Trapped: Part Two

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    Just for the record (and this is NOT sarcastic, even though that's when you say that) Phantomhunter ISN'T back on Pantala. She's on the island that she spotted in the last chapter.

    And also, two chapters in one day because I'm bored and why not.

    My shoulder ached. My wing ached. My legs ached. Everything ached. My eyes wouldn't open, and I was breathing shallowly. I turned over and groaned. As my memories came back, so did my hearing. There was no lighting or thunder anymore. And that was a storm that would surely last for days. So why was it over?
    I was asleep for a week just like Glory huh. I SWORE THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! But technically, was I asleep or unconscious? Or was that the same thing? My mind isn't working properly. All I know was that I need shelter. Now.
As I got up from my spot, I tried flapping my wings. A flash of pain hit me like lightning. I glanced at my wing and saw something I didn't want to see. My wing had a few scales missing near my joint. And speaking of my joint, my bone broke there. I groaned, this time in the annoyed way. I couldn't fly.
    I looked around the island and saw a palm tree. Perfect! I can use those palm leaves for my wing. That way it won't just drag on the floor. I got up and walked slowly, so my wing wouldn't get stuck on something and cause pain again.
    I breathed in and out deeply, taking in the air. Soon I reached the tree. Uh oh, I though. I can't fly up to the leaves. And that tree is too tall to climb. Besides, my wing might get caught in one of the grooves. I have to tip the tree over. And so I did. I pushed against the trunk, down at the roots. The tree tipped over and landed with a thump. I made my way over to the leaves. I was sad at the sacrifice I had to make this close to Pantala where there were no trees. Either way, I took the leaves and put them together. I glued them using coconut oil. Then I spotted some sap-like substance near a tree. On closer inspection, I realized it was sap. Thankful, I took the sap and made my way over to the leaves.

    A while later, I finally had what I needed. Or, most of it. Sure, I did have a thing for my wing, but I didn't have food. I had water, but again, this place was completely empty of food. And I refused to eat fish. Besides, they wouldn't even get near the shore. I had to wade into the water, and then I had to swim. The problem was, I wasn't sure if the sap would hold the leaves together underwater. I was in deep trouble. Haha, get it? Her last sentence was that she had to go underwater, and now she said she's in 'deep' trouble.
I paced around the island. My wing was down, and now I couldn't fly. I also couldn't swim. There was no path between islands, or else I gladly would have taken that path to the next island. No. I was trapped. Again.


    Alright, see you all in the next chapter! Bye!!!

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