Chapter 10: Lux

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Despite the fact that someone just tried to kidnap Lavender, she's still obsessed with those loth cats. We've walked for hours and asked dozens of people if they knew a Pantorian that lived here. Everyone remembered the baby's mother but not the father. We started asking for the family of the mother, and that's when we started getting answers.

The mothers family lived on the outer edge of town on a small farm. So that's where we headed first. We've been walking for a while. Lavender has dozed off on my shoulder, but I can tell Ahsoka is starting to get tired. We must be close. I can see the house over the tall grasses. Finally, we reach a small road that looks like it leads to the structure. We walked maybe twenty minutes until we reached the structure. Two older people were sitting on the couch watching us as we walked up.


"What brings you to here foreigners?"

"Your granddaughter actually."


"We believe your daughter was sent into slavery, she had this child while in Zyrennira. We don't know who the father is though."

"It can't be, She died didn't she?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Plea... please come in. You must be exhausted."


"Now let me see my granddaughter."

Ahsoka walked forward toward the couple and lifted the baby out of the sling. She's carried that baby for miles, she's probably exhausted. And she is still as strong as ever, considering that she lifted the baby out of the sling with little effort.

"Oh,"the woman said,"She looks just like Seren."

"She really is beautiful. I have to say she is so well tempered."

Ahsoka follows the man and women into the house. Lavender is now awake and squirming in my arms. I sent her down and she ran after Ahsoka. I follow them into the small house.

"May I hold her?" the man asked.

"Of course, she is your granddaughter."

Ahsoka hands the man the baby.

"Does she have a name?"

"Um, The mother never gave a name. And I didn't feel it's my right to give her a name. I just called her sweetie."

"Sweetie. I like that. She looks like a sweetie."

Ahsoka blushed.

"Um now down to business. We can't find her father and you're the closest family she has. She's your to raise."

"Wow. Great bedside manner lux."


Were siding around a dining table. So Lavender decided to climb up on Ahsoka's lap. Ahsoka clearly didn't mind, she wrapped her arms around Lavender and rested her chin on her head.

"Um, how could I put this in a better way?"

"So you're expecting us to raise a baby?"

"Well yes. unless you know of someone else willing."

"Actually we do. My niece is a teacher and always wanted kids. She would be perfect for sweetie."

"Great! You can give her to your niece."

"Are you sure you don't want to keep her?"

Ahsoka looks over at me. Then down at the floor.  A tear sliped down her cheek and i quickly wiped it away, kissing her on the forehead.

"No, I want that child to have the best life possible. And that's not with us. In case you haven't noticed we aren't necessarily equipped."

"Well you've taken care of her so far and she loves you. I think you're perfectly equipped."

"Look at us. I'm barely qualified to be an adult. And we have a mission, we're here to free slaves, not keep every child we find."

"Well your daughter seems perfectly happy with you."

"She's not our daughter. Plus I never got to meet my family. I want this baby to meet hers."

"I see. Thankyou for taking her this far, how can we ever repay you?"

"Just promise that that child will be safe here."

"She will be. Is there anything else you need?"

"Um, do you have a speeder bike?"

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