Chapter 26: Your Smile.

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     There it was. Staring right at me, its eyes boring into my soul. The thought of that little thing scared me tremendously. Would I die, would things change, or was I overthinking? The contents were blood red, slowly bubbling into a shade of black. As the bubbles went up. Pop. A black veil spread and sank back to the bottom, settling and turning red again. The vial was sweating, beads of what I could only assume was water, dripped down. Severus hadn't told me if he was going to brew the potion for me yet, but this was unmistakably it. I couldn't take its ominous glare any longer, so I started to walk away, a purpose behind each step. Backing slowly but surely, each step a little bigger than the last, then seemingly out of nowhere I felt something behind me. I stopped.  A pair of hands now sat on my shoulders. Feeling the comfort those hands brought me, I leaned my head back on the chest beyond me. 

     " Severus, do you mind watching Will for a while?" I croaked out. I had been silent for so long now, just watching that vial. 

     " I suppose so, why?" One of his hands now stroking my hair. I turned to face him. 

     " I need to get out for a little while. I'll be back soon." He nodded at me and went to go check on William. I grabbed my coat, my purse, and the potion. 

     Walking down the streets, I finally reached the door I was looking for. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on it. It only took a moment for the occupant to open up to find me. I sweetly smiled as much as I could. 

    "(Y/n)? Hi! How are you?" Remus said, very surprised to see me. " Please come in." He gestured me inside, and I accepted. 

    " Remus, I need a friend right now." I softly spoke as I walked into his home. I heard the door close and lock behind me followed by quiet footsteps. Standing in the middle of his living room now, Remus placed his hands on my coat and purse, helping me take them off. 

     " What's going on?" He placed my things on the coat rack near the corner by the door, I went over to him. 

     " It's this." I reached into my purse and pulled out the vial, showing it Remus. He eyed it intensely, looking confused. " Let's sit down." Potion in hand I went to sit down on his beautiful green couch. I placed the thing on his coffee table. Remus sat next to me, still looking at the suspect. 

     " What exactly is this?" He now picked it up. " Is this what I think it is?" He now asked me. 

     " It's the cure." He nodded at my response. 

     " Why are you here, (Y/n)." His tone was dark, almost vacant sounding. His eyes glued on the bottled potion. 

     " I'm scared, Remus. I need support right now. I need to take the cure, but I can't do it alone." I placed my hand around his arm. He finally set the potion down and looked at me. 

     " Don't you think you should do that with your husband?" He took my hand off his arm, now holding it.  Examing the feel and look of my hand, " Does Severus even know you're here?" I shook my head. 

     " I just told him I was going out." I knew I sounded guilty, well I definitely guilty... I put my other hand with both of ours now. " I can't do this with him... And I know he'll be pissed at me, but I can't. Anyone but him." Remus moved his hand to my cheek and gently rubbed his thumb on my cheek. 

    " Can I ask why? I mean I'll gladly be here for you, but this seems like something he should be a part of." Moving his arm back to where it was. 

     " You're attracted to me, right?" His eyes went wide. 

     " I-I mean... yeah, but..." I cut him off. 

     " A lot of men are attracted to me, because of this curse. It's not real. I find a lot of comfort in that, knowing that once I get rid of it, all that unwanted attention will go away... But, a part of me worries if..." Remus cut back in. 

     " Severus will be the same." He finished my sentence. " So why come to me exactly? Why not some other bloke?" 

     " Remus, I'm not stupid. I know you've found me attractive since the first day we met, and we became really good friends. We have a connection, we have a friendship. I trust you. I can take a wild guess and assume that what you feel for me goes past wanting sex. So, I figured, if I take this potion... and you stop having feelings for me if you start to see me only as a friend... Then I need to worry, and I know even if that happens, you're sweet so you'll still support me and help me deal with that. Or, you don't lose anything you feel for me, and I know I'm not going to have anything to worry about with Severus." I explained my thought process to Remus. He seemed hesitant, and I could understand why. I was essentially using him. He was my guinea pig for this cure, the guilt was piling up now, and Severus was being cut from this moment. Finally, Remus spoke up, 

     " I can understand that. And, of course, I'll be here for you, always... Let's do it." He gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn't help but smile back. 

     " Thank you." I leaned over and hugged him. One hand around my back, the other on my head, and his head buried in my hair. It was a somber, bittersweet feeling moment, but I didn't know why it felt like that exactly. Maybe I knew things would never be the same after this moment, no matter what happened. We backed away from each other, and I took a deep breath once again. 

     I grabbed the potion and opened it, looking at it for a moment more. Then I downed the contents, swallowing every last drop. We waited a few minutes, in silence. After a few more minutes, I proclaimed, " Severus said the potion should be effective almost immediately." I timidly looked at Remus, " So... How do you feel? About me, ya know?"

     He flashed this adoring smile, and his eyes had a looked. I don't know if I've ever seen a look like that before, and then he told me exactly how he felt now. 

     "(Y/n), I am still absolutely in love with you." His smile turned sad. He leaned his head down, " You're not going to have any problems with Severus." He squeezed my hand. I didn't know what to say. Next thing I know, he stands up, " Now, why don't you get home and see for yourself, it's getting pretty late." I nodded. He walked me to the door, helping with my coat and purse. Then he opened the door for me, and I closed it. He looked surprised. 

     " Remus," I couldn't finish my sentence, I would feel more shameful than I already did in doing so. I just hugged him instead. He held me back, tighter than I've ever been hugged. He didn't want to let go. A part of me felt the same... I pulled back and kissed his cheek. I looked at him, my hand naturally going to stroke his cheek. He stood there dumbfounded, " I'll see you later, Remus." I waved him goodbye and made my way out. 

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