Chapter 12: Potter (Part 3)

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     I turned on Hercules, and then sat down on the couch. About thirty minutes in, Severus came down and sat next to me. 

     " What are you watching?" He asked.

     " Hercules." I stated with a monotone voice. 

     " Why?" He raised an eyebrow at me now. I turned my head to look at him.

     " Because I want to. Now shush and come here." I scooched closer to him and snuggled up to him. He wrapped an arm around me. Life was nice. 

     Summer rolled around the corner; another year of Hogwarts was about to happen. And I was going to a part of it again. The doorbell rang. I walked down stairs with William on my hip. I open the door to find my mother. I handed her William's suitcase that was by the door.

     " Thanks Mom." I smiled at her.

     " No problem dear, after all, I get to spend time with this little tyke now!" She took William from me, ruffling his hair, making him laugh. Next Severus came up behind me. " Oh there's the other tyke. How have you been my other dear?" Mom asked now, hugging Sev.

     " I've been good, Ms. (Yl/n)." He looked at me now," Honey we've got to go." 

     " Oh okay, Bye sweetie. Take good care of him Mom!" I kissed Will's head. Then Severus did too.

     " Be good to your grandmother." We said our goodbyes then left by floo powder. In an instance we were in Severus's office. I put my stuff down by the fireplace.  

     " Not much has changed in here, huh?"

     " No, not really. Go on and head down to the Great Hall, I'll take our things to my room." He kissed my cheek then carried our stuff out swiftly. I left and headed down the halls. I got to the great hall to be met by some familiar faces. 

     " Ah, Mrs. Snape! How wonderful have you back again!" Dumbledore cheered.

     " Please Professor, call me (Y/n), or Ms. (Y/n) if you'd like." I smiled at the old man.

     " Well then Ms. (Y/n), please do have a seat. Hagrid will arrive with the children momentarily." 

As soon as I sat down, Sev strode in. He took a seat next to me. I smiled at him.

" I see you made it here alive." He smirked at me. 

" Hey, I haven't got lost since my second year!" I giggled. He shook his head at me. The doors open with a slight burst; children started to walk in. I recognized a lot of them, but two I couldn't wait until they saw me. I couldn't keep the smile off my face.


     " Hey George, let's see if we have any new professors." I suggested.

    " Ah yes! Lets see the newbies we can prank!" He laughed. " Hey wait, first years are coming in." 

     " Well you look at them and I'll scope out the Professors." 

   " Deal." We shook hands. I looked at the teachers table and couldn't believe my eyes. I was speechless. 

     " George."

    " Yeah?"

     " Ms. (Y/n)'s back."

     " WHAT!?" He turned his head, now excited.

Normal P.O.V.

     The first years had arrived, and McGonagall had called most of the names. 

"DRACO MALFOY!" My first god-baby.

" SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled before it even touched his head. I zoned out until they called-

" HARRY POTTER!" The room went silent. And there's my second god-baby. And of course he was placed in Gryffindor. I couldn't be prouder of him.  After all the names had been called, Dumbledore started the feast. Food appeared, and everyone began to dig in. I ate fast, and then ask Professor Dumbledore a question.

    " Sir, might I go say Hello to the children?" I put on a charming smile.

    " Of course, Ms. (Y/n)!" His voice boomed in my ears with a heart warming tone.

I got up and went to go see Fred and George. 

     " Hello good chaps!" I placed a hand on each of their shoulders. They turned quick and ambushed me in a bear hug.

     " (Y/n)!" The shouted in unison. They let go and started to ramble on and on about this and that. 

     " Yeah, yeah, calm down you two!" I laughed. My eyes were now on Harry Potter.

     " Harry Potter." He looked up at me. I walked over to him. Only for his friend to chat me up.

     " Fred and George seem to like you, I'm Ron btw!" I shook his hand and smiled.

     " Ah so you're the little I would always hear about! Well it's a pleasure to meet you finally."

     " Harry James Potter... I really can't believe it." 

     " How did you know my middle name Miss." Harry asked.

     " You can call me (Y/n), and for your information I was there when you were born!" 

     " You were?!" His eyes lit up a bit. " Did you know my parents?"

     " Oh yes! Your mother was one of my best friends. " I ruffled his hair." She even named me your godmother." Now his eyes really lit up.

     " You're my godmother?" 


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