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"Testing, testing, one, two, three."


"It's better now!" Alba touched his throat. "If you could fix my throat, you could fix my ribs, right?"

"I can," Ros nodded.

"You can?! Then do! Please!"

"You're still going on about your ribs, Hero?" He shook his head. "You're like a middle school student whose just learned a new word. I'd hope you'd grow out of the phase of taking joy in looking down on others."

"You're one to talk!" you shouted. "'I like seeing people weep with despair!'" you mocked.

"It's a hobby," he replied, smirking at you. "Anyways, the problem at the moment is..."

Janua holding Ruki.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of hurting her anymore. I just want you to listen to me. But if you try to resist..." He held her higher.

"So high, so scary!" she cried.

"I can't say I really care!" Ros shouted.

"Let's hear him out, at least." Alba held out his hand.

"I agree," you nodded.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Smart move, Hero and (Y/N), was it?" Janua looked right at you.

"Yes." You looked up. "So you acknowledged my existence."


Hold on.

He was cute.

"As I said earlier, I have a request," he continued. "I was simply summoned here, and I've no problem with returning home. But in the past few days I've been here, I've made a friend." A golden cat peered out from behind his legs.

"Aaw!" you squealed.

"When I was alone in the world, he became my friend, but I can't take him back to the Demon World. I want you to look after Mii-chan for me. Come on, Mii-chan. Say hello to everyone." Mii-chan looked a bit shy, but then he came out and stood up on his hind legs.

"My name is Michelajul Lortelia! A pleasure to meet you all!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" you screamed, launching yourself at Ros.

"What's that thing? It's creepy." He started patting your head.

"What did you just say?!" the cat demanded.

"Oh, sorry. Did you hear me?"

"You said I was creepy, didn't you?! Say that again!" His eyes got huge. "No...please, insult me again, Master!"

"He's a pervert!" Alba shrieked.

"THAT'S NOT NORMAL!" You ran into Ros again.

"He's so cute!" Ruki started petting him. "So fluffy!"

"Hey now, Miss." Mii-chan looked up at her. "I'd rather you kick my shin instead of pet me!"

"And he's a masochist!"

"AGAIN NOT NORMAL!" You slumped over, nearly unconscious.

"Right on the tibia, where the meat is thinnest!" he clarified.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" And then you fainted.

"(Y/N)?" Ros shook you by the shoulders. "(Y/N)?"

To Protect You - Ros X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now