White Day Special

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It was a lazy Sunday morning, and I'd expected to wake up next to my boyfriend of five years, or rather, I'd expected to wake up and attempt to drag him out of bed, but he was astoundingly nowhere to be found. 

Checking the date on my phone on the nightstand, I let out a small laugh. March 14th, it was white day again. 

Stretching as I got up, I realized that despite our laid-back nature, the two of us really were competitive in the oddest of things.

I opened the bedroom door just wide enough for me to peek into the kitchen, and sure enough, there I saw the sleepy banker's back, seemingly preparing something.

"Well, at least it seems he doesn't plan on blackmailing the entire Seijoh team to haul as many chocolates as a human can carry this time..." I shook my head with a slight smile as I emerged.

Turning his head at the sound, Kunimi's eyes widened slightly with a pout, "Ah...I forgot you didn't stay up late last night...there goes the breakfast in bed plan..."

"You just wanted to sleep next to me while I ate, didn't you, Aki?" I walked closer and ruffled his hair with a small content smile.

"Mmmph, I'll have you know that I'm taking White Day very seriously. I'm not losing to you this year," his mouth curled into a lazy smirk.

"...when did Valentine's and White Day even become a normal competition for us...aren't we just supposed to give each other chocolates? Does what your doing even count at this point?" I commented as I took a seat on an available counter.

"It's chocolate chip pancakes, so yes. And this all started because the salted caramel chocolates you gave me in highschool were too good to be anything but a declaration of war, you know...wait, stop distracting me..." he was looking at me as he spoke at first but hurriedly focused his attention on the nearly done pancakes.

Giggling a slight bit, I relented, "Alright then, Aki. I'll get the salted caramel syrup and set the table..."

"Eh? You can't even reach the top cupboard though..." he nonchalantly teased.

A few years ago, I would've smacked him in the back of the head and reacted like a cliche tsundere for the remark on my height, but by now I barely reacted with a pout.

"I'm utterly convinced you do that just to see me pout. What a sadist," I huffed as I jumped up and got the bottle of syrup.

"Mhm sure..." he said as he threw a playful look my way.

"A perv too, apparently," I shook my head as I began to set the table.

He hummed in response as he transferred the last of the pancakes onto a serving plate. As he brought the plate towards the table and sat down across from me, he suddenly snorted.

"What? Is it my bedhead?" I asked as I hurriedly patted down my hair.

"Nah, I'm used to that. I just...you remember that time Iwaizumi-san asked Oikawa-san to set the table when Oikawa-san was angry?" he started as he placed pancakes on my plate without looking.

"...Oikawa-senpai set the table, alright. Right over Iwaizumi-senpai's head," I laughed fondly at the memory.

"Of course we had to stop Iwaizumi-san from sending his boyfriend to the hospital...what a bother..." Kunimi sighed, but his eyes were still smiling.

I narrowed my eyes overdramatically as I took my first bite of the pancake, "This is amazing. And that was a clue, wasn't it? Don't tell me you got me an entire table made of chocolate..."

"Mmm...too sleepy to reply. Please come back on office hours," he reached for one of my hands and laid his head on it, quickly falling into a shallow sleep.

Kunimi Akira x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now