Valentines Special

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My eyes scanned the store's shelves lazily as I sighed.

"I should've known I wouldn't find any here...why do I live in such a small town, damnit," I ran my hands through my hair as I contemplated my fate.

"Ara~ It's our cute y/n-chan!" and then I heard one of the most annoying voices behind me.

Somehow sighing even deeper, I turned around to see Iwaizumi about to hit Oikawa in the back of the head, "Don't harass our manager!"

"Good morning, Iwaizumi-Senpai," I bowed my head a bit in greeting, ignoring the other upperclassman who was now whimpering in pain.

"Hmph, what a rude kouhai!" Oikawa grumbled as Iwaizumi and I sighed in unison.

"So what brings you two here, Oikawa-senpai?" I asked, and the setter immediately brightens up at the acknowledgement of his existence and use of honorific.

"Well, I was originally just gonna buy dark chocolates for Iwa-chan, did you know those are his favorite? I don't know how he can eat such bitter stuff...but it's Valentines so I have to get him something he likes, y'know?" Oikawa started, gesturing as though he were a benevolent ruler bestowing his subjects with gold, as one of Iwaizumi's veins began to pop.

"Ah, honmei choco, I presume? Will you be buying giri choco for the other team members? " I quirked an eyebrow as I attempted to suppress my smile.

"Well, the poor boys don't have girlfriends, so I might as well act as the pretty person who gives them chocolate and brightens up their day, no?" he replied, although neither of us payed much attention to his words, instead appreciating the rare sight of a blushing Iwaizumi beside him.

"Hm~ well, if all goes well, Nimi-kun's going to have one soon. So...consider giving me his share, won't you?" I grinned up at Oikawa after the moment passed.

Oikawa overdramatically gasped as Iwaizumi looked at me curiously.

"I know you're childhood friends too, but isn't it a bit much for him to tell you about his love life?" Iwaizumi tilted his head slightly.

Oikawa laughed lightly as I smiled in response.

"Iwa-chan! You oblivious..." Oikawa started before I waved him off.

"Well, it's fine if he doesn't get it. More importantly, do either of you know how to make homemade chocolate with filling? I tried to find this chocolate bar with caramel filling my mom bought in Tokyo, but as expected this is the third store I've gone to and it's nowhere to be seen," I explained as I followed behind the two, Oikawa perusing the chocolates and Iwaizumi glancing at his watch.

"I know a bit since I helped my cousin make some last year. Don't let Shittykawa near your kitchen though, he'll just burn it down," Iwaizumi replied as he stared intently at his cheerful boyfriend.

"Truly an Okaa-san," I nodded to myself sagely.

"I know, right?" Oikawa piped up, turning his head to flash us a bright smile.

"Do you want my help or not?" Iwaizumi asked me with a quirked eyebrow, as he dragged Oikawa behind him by the ear, "Ow ow ow, Y/n-chan was the one who said it! I just agreed!"

"Can you two come over after today's practice, then? I doubt you two volleyball maniacs would have anything else to do on a Saturday," I decided as Oikawa brought a heap of chocolates to the cashier to pay.

"The two of us? Is your kitchen fireproof or something?"

"Nah, Oikawa-senpai can go chill in my living room until we're done. I just need him to give commentary on the decorations and wrapper I use," I answered, subconsciously noting Iwaizumi's disaster of an outfit.

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