Birthday Special

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March 25th 2021, I woke up that morning way more excited than the very person that made the day so special. But it was to be expected, it was Nimi after all.

Internally giggling at his adorable sleeping face, I stretched and got up to prepare for the day.

"Hm hm~ he likes it when I wear oversized sweaters...I think I've still got one in Aoba Johsai colours~ maybe I should wear a skirt with it?" I quietly hummed a mellow tune as I went through my closet, determined to wear something nice for his birthday.

After deciding on my outfit for the day, I practically bounced out of the room and to the kitchen. Well, I guess having a boyfriend that was a heavy sleeper did have its perks. I don't have to sneak around when surprising him with breakfast.

I opened the cupboard and reached for the pancake mix and homemade caramel I'd hidden at the very back, behind all the cereal boxes and instant noodles so he wouldn't see. Our days off from work don't always coincide, so I was able to try out a simple salted caramel recipe (sugar, butter, heavy cream, salt) when he was working in the bank the other day.

"Time for the secret weapon to wake up any sleepy Kunimi without burning a house down! Salted caramel filled pancakes!" I smiled to myself as I flipped the pancakes as best I could.

Sure enough, I hadn't finished more than two or three pancakes when the former wing spiker emerged from our room with a blanket wrapped around his tall frame and his pretty yet tired eyes slightly wider than usual.

"Mmm...salted caramel? So lucky you like the same food as me..." he muttered as he plopped down on one of the chairs.

"Aw, Nimi. Even if I hated this more than anything, which would be, like, stupid, I don't trust anyone who doesn't like caramel or salted caramel..." I probably had something important and sweet to say...

He laughed lightly at my rambling and commented, "N/n-chan's so cute."

He narrowed his eyes, "Seriously though, why're you making food? Is this your way of guilt tripping me into washing the dishes...?"

"Nah, doing the dishes is my washing category chore and doing the laundry is yours. You know full well I'm not as uncivilised as you and your sister who play rock paper scissors just to see who takes out the trash," I scoffed teasingly.

"Uncivilised? Says the girl who eats canned fruit straight out of the can," he shot back as he stood up to set the table.

I pouted at his comment, "Hey, sit back down. I'm making food because it's your birthday! Did you seriously forget?"

He froze and blinked a couple of times, which was rather amusing to see since he was holding two plates and two sets of utensils midair.

"Ew...I'm getting old..."

"Well as aunts and grannies like to say, the only alternative is death."

"Make it the default option," we made eye contact and snickered almost at the same time.

"That aside, this year is special you know! So besides this awesome breakfast, I'm gonna bestow like, 22 more gifts to you. Because y'know, you're 23 now," I continued as I finished the last pancake and we sat down at the dining table.

"Hm...why's it special?" he asked as he bit into his first pancake and his eyes widened.

"Yeah, I know, I'm amazing at cooking. I think I've surpassed you...And of course it's special! It's our first year living together! And our first year as working adults!" I overdramatically waved a piece of pancake with my fork to illustrate my point.

Kunimi Akira x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now