Fallen Angel

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Here's smallsquash's request! Of course I had to use a song as inspiration too haha!
Warning: self-harm

Kunimi thought it was just going to be a normal night, drifting off to sleep after a tiring week of university, curled up in the fluffy bed he shared with his girlfriend of many years. Since she normally insisted to be the big spoon despite being shorter, he decided to wait until she fell asleep to slip out of her arms and switch their positions. But to his surprise, when he slipped his arms over hers and squeezed her lightly, the girl let out a whimper of pain. Not the kind of whimper he knew her to make when she was annoyed about getting woken up but a genuine whimper of pain.

He almost dismissed it as a half-asleep assumption of his, but as the seconds ticked by in silence he grew more and more uneasy until he eventually sat up in bed and stared at her. He knew it. She was pretending to be asleep. She was a sound sleeper so that squeeze must have really hurt for her to wake up...

"Y/n. I know you're awake. Take of my hoodie right now," his voice sounded so commanding for someone so sleepy that she couldn't help but sit up as well, albeit reluctantly.

"...What's the matter Akira? I thought you'd be too tired to do anything like that tonight..." she teased with her usual smile...her usual smile that suddenly looked so forced to him.


She averted her eyes and clenched her hands around the comforter beneath them.

Wordlessly, she took the oversized hoodie off. In any other circumstance he would've relished the sight of her topless but tonight it was...painful to see. Criss crossed on her arms were wounds of varying freshness, and a couple of faint older scars. He stretched his hand out to touch them, but stopped just before he could, almost as if he was afraid that touching her would make her break into a million little pieces.

"You said the reason why you never let me see you topless was because you were insecure about your chest. Is this why you always wear hoodies and jackets?" Kunimi wasn't really sure what he was supposed to say but he realised that it probably wasn't that.

Her only reply was to slip the hoodie back on and retreat beneath the comforter.

"Y/n...how long? How long have you been...hurting yourself?" Kunimi's voice was soft and tired, but surprisingly full of concern.

"...I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you..."

"N/n-chan, please answer the question," he pulled the comforter back gently and began stroking her hair.

Perhaps it was because of the use of her middle school nickname, or the comforting feeling of his fingers combing her hair, but she answered truthfully,  "...on and off since sixth grade."

"That's longer than I've known you," he blurted out, uncharacteristically surprised.

"Only by a year..." she mumbled.

"...is it because of your tragic backstoryTM?" he asked, recalling the bits and pieces of her family situation that she had told him over the ears.

She chuckled dryly at his wording, it was strangely one of the many things she loved about him.

"I guess that was it...at first. But then it was also about stress from school and my grades just...getting lower. I pretended not to care but I was probably mad at myself  'cause I wasn't even in the top 30 during high school..." she sighed and hugged her knees.

"Please don't make a big deal out of this. It really isn't. I mostly stopped in our third year at Seijoh...it's just that I was really stressed during the last finals and a bunch of memories came back when I..." she started rambling.

"Y/n. If it wasn't a big deal you would've told me."

"But I didn't want to worry you!" She looked up at him with glassy eyes.

"I know you well enough to know that's not the only reason."

"...we were in third year middle school when my mother first found out. She yelled at me for being an attention whore and worried about what other people would think of her if they found out. I guess...even though I trust you more than her...I was always just really afraid you'd react that way," her voice was far weaker now than he'd ever heard it.

"...I guess I was afraid you'd leave someone as problematic as me like she said you would," her voice was barely above a whisper now and he didn't know why but it made his heart clench.

Far gentler than he ever did before, he cupped her face in his hands and stared into her tired eyes.

"That's stupid," he bluntly said and let go of her, ruffling her hair afterwards.

"Mph Akira!" she laughed lightly as she batted his hand away.

"I'm too awake to go to bed now. Let's gorge on some salted caramel ice cream," Kunimi suggested as he got up.

"That sounds great!" she said, with a smile that looked just a little bit more genuine.

After handing his girlfriend their pint of ice cream, he turned on the radio on their desk.

The two silently shared their ice cream as an oddly fitting song played in the background.

"How do you stay so strong? How did you hide it all for so long? How can I take the pain away? How can I save..." Kunimi observed his girlfriend eating as the questions he wished to ask her played on the radio.

"A fallen angel, in the dark. Never thought you'd fall so far. Fallen angel, close your eyes. I won't let you fall tonight. Fallen angel," he almost smiled when he saw her humming along to the song.

"You do it all for my own protection. You make me feel like I'll be okay. Still I have so many questions..." his brows furrowed as he was reminded of how much he had relied on her during his times of weakness...and yet...

He was lost in thought as they ate in silence.

"I was right beside you when you went to hell and back again. And I, I couldn't save, a fallen angel..." he was grateful for whoever had chosen that song for the radio right at that moment because those lines made him snap out of his jumbled thoughts and decide something.

"I'm gonna ask Kindaichi and Iwaizumi-Senpai if they know any good therapists. You'll need a regular one for a while, I think," he said between mouthfuls of ice cream.

"What? Akira, we're both broke college students who survive on convenience store ramen,"she quirked an eyebrow.

"I've been saving up money so we could get a flat as soon as we started working. I don't mind if we use that," he replied as he shovelled some more ice cream into his mouth.

"...I don't want to deplete your savings just because I can't get my shit together. I'll just stop. I've done it before," she grumbled and practically stabbed the ice cream with her spoon.

"It's for my own mental health too. It hurts me to see you like this and I'm already guilty that I didn't know you were hurting... hurting for years. While you always knew if I was upset no matter how blank my face looked...You can't refuse if I make it about me, right?" His voice was still serious but she could've sworn she heard a teasing lilt near the end of his reply.

"Hmph, fine..." she whined, but her eyes were grateful and almost smiling.

"I don't deserve you, you know..." she muttered as she licked her spoon clean.

"Nope, I've never known that. I like to make a habit of not knowing lies."

As she lay asleep later that night, Kunimi couldn't help but think that the way the moonlight illuminated her form really did make her look like a fallen angel. And he would do anything to heal her wings for her, even if it meant she would be able to fly away from him one day. But she trusted him with this...so he trusted her despite his own insecurities.

Kunimi Akira x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now