15 Minute Fairy Tale

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Okay, so I am really bored and thought why not post another fucked up story that I wrote for my class. So YEA. This is a 15 minute Fairy Tale that I made. It had to include 3 things. An astronaut, a mermaid, and an ogre (Shrek be quaking right now). ANYWAY, here ya go 😗✌


No sound was being made. Not a single word could be heard. It was like I am inside my own personal soundproof room. Well, I was. Just that soundproof room, was space. I am the very first female siren astronaut. Back at my home, La Guardia, was under attack by the neighboring planet. Leoness was a cruel planet, governed entirely by one man, or ogre if you would like to say, King Jay.

"Come in Ocean, come in Ocean. We have just gotten intel that J is sending another vessel full of light. The water is evaporating down here and the salinity is rising."

"Ocean has gotten the intel. I am on my way to the satellite. I will be back online in T-minus 10."

"Roger that Ocean, Over and out."

"Over and out." I rush to the satellite. It felt like I was swimming in space. But instead of the nice ocean, You just feel the bulkiness of the spacesuit. As I was entering the satellite, I noticed a large vessel heading towards me. I swim as fast as I can to get to the control panel inside the satellite.

"Let's give this bad boy a little spin, shall we?" I exclaimed evilly. I click the red button set in the middle of the control panel. A rather huge speaker came out of the satellite. I was able to change the pitch to the max. I screamed into the microphone that was set in front of me. The vessel was getting closer and closer and I was so close to destroying it. I screamed even louder into it. The vessel was about to crash into the satellite until I heard a big BANG. 


 I am watching Captain America right now while doing this. So bare with me. I hope you guys like these stories! Okay so now I'm gonna go start writing my ff. If y'all have any random stories you want me to write for fun, then DM me and I will start cracking at them. Why did I think of drugs- Okie byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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