175 6 0

409 Disciple!

by BidVertiser

Being locked onto meant that Leiting No.9's mecha had already been fixed as a target for Lingtian No.7's long-range weapon. If he could not break free of the opponent's target-lock before the other fired, Leiting No.9's mecha was sure to be hit. And with the 17% power he had left, even if Leiting No.9 activated his mecha's beam shield, it would not be enough to withstand one long-range attack from a mecha of the same level.
Right then, Leiting No.9 realised that he had been set up by the opponent from the start. Even his desperate retreat had been calculated — it was not that the opponent could not chase after him; the opponent had long decided how he would deal with him next.
"Boom!" Lingtian No.7 calmly pulled the trigger. The beam gun in his hand released a powerful beam of energy in Leiting No.9's direction.

Leiting No.9's eyes bulged, perhaps out of anger, and there was actually a trace of redness in them. He yelled, "Dodge, d*mmit!"

The battle had just begun — he did not want to be the first person to fail and leave the scene. Furthermore, he could not accept leaving after being completely dominated by the opponent. When he had first seen Lingtian No.7, he had thought that he would be able to finish the other off easily. The opponent's reckless manner in charging at him drew his contempt, leading him to believe that this operator who was an advanced mecha warrior like him was just an impulsive boor. How could this kind of simple-minded mecha operator be his opponent?

Yes, from the beginning, he had underestimated his opponent. He had loosened his guard, and so had not taken time to seriously plan and strategize during the fight, only blindly attacking from long-range. Even when his first shot had struck air, he had just assumed that the opponent had gotten lucky, and he had not chosen to pull away as soon as he could. This was his greatest failing, and his subsequent attacks had been an even greater display of idiocy. His foolishness had given the opponent the opportunity to draw in close ... all the advantage he had at the start was lost in one go, and he was thrust into a dire situation in the blink of an eye.

Leiting No.9 was filled with regrets — if he could do it all again, he definitely would not let the opponent draw so close, because he was a long-range attacker ...

A loud "Kaboom!" rang out. Lingtian No.7's beam shot unerringly struck Leiting No.9. Despite his desperate struggles, Leiting No.9 had not been able to salvage the situation. His entire mecha exploded instantly, becoming countless flaming parts in the air, scattering in different directions.

At the moment his mecha exploded, Leiting No.9 was declared dead by the mainframe and chased out of Mecha World. He needed to wait for the penalty for death to pass before he could log into Mecha World again and choose a new mecha and start over.

"F*ck, from discovery to the end of the fight, it only took a little more than a minute? Isn't that way too fast?" The spectating cadets were all gobsmacked. For context, it should be known that a fight between mecha of the same level was unlikely to be ended without at least 10 minutes to half an hour. After all, both sides were of about roughly equal strength, it was very difficult for either side to defeat the other.

Of course, if the winner of this fight had been Leiting No.9, the cadets might still have been able to justify it. Lingtian No.7 was a junior after all, without much battle experience. If he had panicked, it would have been no surprise for him to be killed in a split second. However, it was precisely the newly established Lingtian Mecha Clan which had won this first encounter ... the cadets really could not find any reason which could help them make sense of this reality.

Just as the cadets were mired in confusion, seated in the VIP viewing room, Tang Yu's eyes held a trace of a smile. He could see things very clearly — Lingtian No.7 had been able to finish this match so swiftly because he had utilised the opponent's psychology well. It should be said that, from the very moment the two sides had met, Lingtian No.7 had already been laying his trap.

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