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249: Still a Little Ways Off!

Translator: ryuxenji  Editor: H2dH2mr

Luo Lang took in a deep breath. Although he knew the opponent was stronger than him, Luo Lang did not want to give up just like that — he wanted to help Boss out. Even if he knew it would be very difficult to achieve the outcome he wanted, he still wanted to try.

When Luo Lang walked onto the stage, a commotion broke out among the people watching below. “What’s this? The New Cadet Regiment is actually sending out such a skinny weakling? Could it be the New Cadet Regiment is prepared to throw this match?”

“Look, is that fellow really a guy? He looks even prettier than a girl!” Who knows who yelled this out, causing the crowd’s attention to swiftly turn away from Luo Lang’s thin and slender frame to his lovely face.

“F*ck, it can’t be a girl dressed up as a guy, right?” Some random lecher was in raptures at the sight, beginning to indulge in wild fantasy.

Of course, his fanciful delusions received the contempt of the students beside him — did he really think this was those olden times? Able to impersonate a man just by putting on some guy clothes? Upon entrance to the military academy, the first thing they had to go through was a physical check-up. That had been conducted before everyone else, where they had all been naked … well, alright, the examining teachers were very reasonable, and would allow you to use your hands to cover your willy.

Of course, these scornful cadets looking disdainfully at that lecher would never ever imagine that there truly was someone who had blatantly enrolled into the First Men’s Military Academy as a girl to study. During that physical check-up, this person had naturally been exempted via special privilege by a particular national idol general who loved his daughter deeply …

In one of the boxes on the second floor, Luo Lang’s beautiful face and his delicate and seemingly easy to overpower figure made a person’s eyes shine. A covetous smile grew on that person’s lips as he mumbled to himself, “Who could have expected that there would be such a stunner among this year’s freshmen …” He licked his lips, deciding that he would obtain the other by any means necessary 1 .


Leiting’s candidate, Qi Ya, was a 5th year cadet, currently still at the academy for his last few courses. As his physical skills combat ability was extremely outstanding, in order to ensure victory, Lin Zhidong had personally invited him to represent them. Sending Qi Ya out as vanguard was a calculated move on Lin Zhidong’s part.

Ling Lan was not the only one who had thought of Tianji’s horse racing; Lin Zhidong too had thought of the same principle. He was afraid that the New Cadet Regiment would send out their third strongest to fight against the weakest in his party, catching him off guard and thus causing Leiting to lose the first match. Lin Zhidong knew well that the first match was key — morale would lean towards the side who won. Lin Zhidong did not want to let the New Cadet Regiment obtain that advantage, and so had chosen the third strongest in Leiting’s party, Qi Ya, to fight first, guaranteeing the final outcome.

Lin Zhidong’s thought process was, even if the opponent planned to fight in the order of their strength levels, he would not lose out by sending out the third strongest now. As long as they won this match, he would still have the two strongest at hand — no matter what, victory would be theirs. Although Lin Zhidong was somewhat wary of that mysterious ‘aberrant’, he still had more faith in those two strongest combatants below the Thunder King.

Qi Ya saw how delicate his opponent was, just like a girl, and was instantly filled with displeasure. The gaze he directed at Luo Lang carried a clear trace of contempt. Instead of becoming angered by the opponent’s attitude, Luo Lang was pleased. The more the opponent looked down on him, the better his chances to achieve an upset.

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