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Chapter 356: Tampering?
Translator: ryuxenji Editor: H2dH2mr
I dont know. Im only guessing that the military academy is probably being targeted for a large-scale enemy attack right now, said Ling Lan as they walked. Very soon they had come to the door of Luo Langs room, and without even thinking about it, Ling Lan once again whipped out a savage kick to send the door flying open. However, the door opened to an empty room.
Just then, a person suddenly leapt out from the side, striking out ferociously at Ling Lans face. Ling Lan calmly raised her right hand and caught the attackers powerful fist with a palm.
Boss, its you! Luo Lang saw that Boss Ling Lan was the one who had seized his fist and instantly let out a sigh of relief, crying out in joy. Apparently, the ruckus from Qi Longs room had startled the sleeping Luo Lang awake. He had thought that something was wrong and so had swiftly put on his clothes and hid behind the wall right by the door. When his door had been kicked open, he had then charged out to punch the intruder.
Ling Lan let go of Luo Langs fist, and casting down a cold glance, she said, Luo Lang, keep up!
Luo Lang retracted his hand. Seeing the grim look on Ling Lans face, he knew something had happened. Silently, he followed his boss, though he surreptitiously poked Qi Long beside him. Qi Long turned his head and mouthed silently, Enemy invasion!
Luo Langs gaze turned cold. For his boss to be so concerned, this enemy invasion must be noteworthy. His thoughts ran along the same line Ling Lans had, thinking of the events that had transpired at the Swift Dragon base. Could it be that the events there had caused them to be discovered?
However, looking at his bosss frigid expression, Luo Lang did not dare to ask any questions. Coming to the second floor, Ling Lan gave a signal to Qi Long and Luo Lang, motioning for them to split up and wake up Han Jijyun, Lin Zhong-qing, and Xie Yi respectively.
Very soon, everyone was awake. Fully dressed in their uniforms, they gathered at the living room downstairs. Ling Lan was seated primly on the sofa, deep in contemplation. Xie Yi and Lin Zhong-qing reflexively glanced at one another and saw the confusion in each others eyes. They had only been woken up by Luo Lang and Qi Long without being told what was going on.
Han Jijyun walked down the stairs with a thoughtful expression. Coming to stand before Ling Lan, he waited for his boss to give him a definite answer.
At present, our ground control has lost all contact with all the satellites in the space above this planet. It has been as long as 5 minutes. Ling Lan swept her gaze over everyone present and told them about the present situation.
Ling Lans words gave everyone a shock, particularly Han Jijyun and Luo Lang. Aware of the importance of intelligence, they knew very well what this represented.
Its an enemy invasion! concluded Han Jijyun with conviction. Luo Lang nodded in agreement; he had come to the same conclusion as Han Jijyun. In contrast to Ling Lans uncertain speculation, Han Jijyun and Luo Lang were obviously much more certain.
My guess is the same. And I think the invasion will be coming from outer space. Ling Lan reflexively looked out at the starry sky outside the window. Wasnt the pitch darkness of the night sky a perfect setting for an air invasion?
Ling Lans words caused everyones expression to change. If things were really as Boss had said, then their First Mens Military Academy was in danger. Boiling over with anxiety, Xie Yi blurted, Boss, then what should we do?
I have already taken control of the ground radar as well as all of the aerial monitoring equipment of the military academy. The moment I notice anything, I will sound the alarm of the entire academy, Ling Lan told her companions of her plans.
Why not just sound the alarm now? This will make it easier for the ground forces to have time to put up their guard, asked Han Jijyun, puzzled.
Unfortunately, there is nothing strange in the radar or the surveillance equipment. Without proof, their first response would be to suspect that the academy mainframe has been hacked. Then, they might put in all their effort to investigate this matter. The potential loss outweighs the potential gains; I dont want to have this backfire on us to the enemys gain, Ling Lan shared her concerns.
If the ground forces turned all their attention internally as a result, Ling Lan would surely regret it endlessly. Initially aiming to disrupt an enemys invasion but ending up creating an even better opportunity for the invasion instead, Ling Lan would not do such a stupid thing
But losing contact with the satellites is a fact. As long as they learn of this, they should become wary. Han Jijyun could not understand why his boss was worrying like this. From his perspective, the matter was simple. As long as the ground forces knew that they had lost contact with the satellites for several minutes, they would certainly think of the possibility of an air invasion.
After listening to Han Jijyuns words, a bitter smile appeared on Ling Lans lips. What if, the equipment displays of all the ground devices connected to the satellites still show that everything is normal? Only a fearsome existence such as Little Four could experience first-hand the truth that they had lost contact with the satellites; meanwhile, all the equipment were showing that everything was fine, and even the top-class hackers could sense nothing wrong. This was also why Ling Lan was forced to wait for something concrete to happen.
These words of Ling Lan finally caused the complexion of the composed Han Jijyun to change. Boss, are you saying that there is no indication on the ground equipment about the loss of connection? But the fact is that weve already lost contact with the satellites?
Ling Lan nodded and said, Yes. Only hackers who have reached a certain level would be able to notice the problem. If Little Four had not loved to roam and wander about so much, he might have overlooked the problem as well
Han Jijyuns entire face turned grim. Who would have expected the enemy to go to such expense to accomplish such a thing? Rumour has it that only imperial level hackers and above can do something like this  although our military academy has cultivated many hackers, it has never once produced an imperial level one. Even in the entire Federation, the number of imperial hackers can be counted on one hand. It is to be expected that the ground forces will never notice that the satellites have been tampered with.
Tampered with? Han Jijyuns words caused Ling Lans mind to jolt, an idea appearing in her minds eye which would resolve their current passive situation. Ling Lan excitedly called out to Little Four, Little Four, can you fabricate an image of the satellites transmitting?
Ling Lans words made Little Four roll his eyes and he said with a pout, Boss, youre underestimating me too much. This kind of thing, I can do it even with my eyes closed. Was it necessary to ask him about such a simple thing? When would his boss have a little more faith in him?
Thats good  Little Fours words sent a bolt of glee through Ling Lans heart. She began instructing Little Four on what he had to do. As Ling Lan elaborated, Little Fours gaze became brighter and brighter  in the end, he patted his chest and told Ling Lan to leave it all to him.
After accepting Ling Lans arrangements, Little Four vanished. As if letting down a great burden, Ling Lans mood became instantly much more relaxed. She thought about it for a bit and then said to Lin Zhong-qing, Contact Li Lanfeng, Li Shiyu, and Chang Xinyuan immediately. Let the three of them gather here at our place right away.
After that, she told the others, You all, immediately contact all the team leaders of the New Cadet Regiment. Tell them about this news! At this point, Ling Lan suddenly got up from the sofa and walked over to the window to stare up at the endless night sky. After several seconds of silent contemplation, she said icily, Tell them to gather all their team members, be on standby, and be prepared to fight!
Yes, Boss! Everyone sprang into motion.
About five minutes later, the initially still and silent school suddenly rang with the ear-splitting screech of an enemy invasion alarm.
When Ling Lan heard the alarm rip through the night air, the corners of her lips tilted up despite herself. If the enemy truly thought they could easily consume this entire school, then just let them try
Qi Long and the others, who had been sitting to one side quietly, leapt up at the cacophony and asked, Boss, has the enemy been sighted?
Ling Lan composedly sat on the sofa, shook her head and said, No!
Then this alarm  Qi Long was confused now. They had all heard the conversation between Boss and Han Jijyun  Boss had clearly said that he would only sound the alarm once the enemy had been sighted.
I was indeed the one who sounded the alarm, replied Ling Lan calmly.
Didnt you say that without any proof, the ground forces will not believe it? asked Han Jijyun, bewildered, unsure why his boss had suddenly changed his mind.
They can tamper with the displays, but we can also tamper with the displays. Ling Lans lips pulled into a cold curve.
Ling Lans reply made everyones eyes light up; all of them knew what Ling Lan meant. Indeed, if the other side could make it so the satellite displays registered everything as normal, then they too could make it so that the satellite displays indicated some problem  most people were just trapped by fixed ideas, believing that attack methods could only be used on an enemy. Sometimes, for the greater picture, these methods could also be applied to ones own side.
Han Jijyun cast a searching glance at the composed Boss Lan before him, his heart maxed out with admiration 1 . While they were still thinking within the box, Boss Lan had already thrown the box wide open  his every action was already beyond any fixed boundaries of thinking. Whether something was good or bad, he could take and use it, as long as the final outcome was advantageous to their side.
Other than that, there was one more thing. Han Jijyun had always thought Boss Lan was just a top-class hacker, but now it looked like he should already be at the level of imperial-class hacker  as expected of their boss, still as unfathomable even when it came to other domains.
Enemy invasion, enemy invasion, all ground troops are commanded to enter combat mode. All anti-air cannons on the ground to be aimed towards the sky. Prepare to fire  The commander of the ground forces had received the images sent by the satellites and had instantly broken out into cold sweat. He immediately ordered the ground forces to begin moving. The sudden appearance of countless starships in the images as well as those golden metallic eggs spewing from the ships proved that this was a fearsome aerial invasion. Thank god for the timely images sent by the satellites, otherwise they would have been finished over here.
Reporting to the chief. There is no sign of any unidentified flying objects in the sky on the radars. Everything is normal. Very soon, all the radar surveillance centres sent over the latest updates; they had not discovered anything wrong in the skies above. This situation bewildered the commander  what in the world was going on? Why didnt the ground radars pick up anything as indicated by the images from the satellites? Where exactly was the problem?
Chief, do you still remember the planet Demonbeast invasion incident in that top-secret military report 6 years ago? The adjutant by the commanders side found the situation equally puzzling, but his gaze suddenly lit up at this recollection and he quickly alerted the commander.
The commander came to a realisation and hurriedly ordered the staff officer beside him, Quickly. Get me the information on the invasion of planet Demonbeast six years ago.
Chapter 357: Arrangements!
Translator: ryuxenji Editor: H2dH2mr
It took only a few seconds for the information on the planet Demonbeast invasion to be displayed on the large screen of the command centre. When the commander saw that familiar egg-shaped object, he was instantly enlightened. Rage burned brightly in his heart and he cursed out loud, Godd*mmit, its those f*cking Twilightians again.
Chief, according to the data, the metal of the eggs can avoid radar detection  The adjutant managed to find the info he wanted with a quick skim of the data. It looked like he had remembered correctly  radars were useless against these egg-shaped metal objects.
So thats how it is. Issue the order  do not trust the radars, use infrared telescopes to search the skies. The commander had also seen that piece of information. Slamming a palm down hard on the surface before him, he commanded angrily.
Yes! Chief! The officers below the commander acknowledged his order and passed on his instructions. While the anti-air ground cannoneer troops were watching the skies intently, the team leaders of the New Cadet Regiment were leading all their team members to gather before Ling Lans villa.
Li Lanfeng, Li Shiyu, and Chang Xinyuan were the last to arrive as their accommodations were the furthest away from Ling Lans villa. When they saw the crowd gathered in the little garden before the villa, even as they were astonished, they could feel the potential power behind Ling Lan.
As soon as they entered the living room, they saw twenty people either standing or sitting all around the room. When he saw these people, Li Lanfengs gaze flickered subtly. He recognised all these people  the Wuji Mecha Clan had collected detailed information on the New Cadet Regiment previously. These people were all the team leaders in the New Cadet Regiment, and were likely to be the leaders of battle clans in the future. For now, they were all members of Ling Lans New Cadet Regiment.
Ling Lan was currently seated on the sofa. Seeing Li Lanfeng and the other two arrive, she merely gave them a look signalling them to go find Qi Long. Li Lanfeng and the others knew that Ling Lan was in the middle of a discussion with these people, so they made no sound, silently moving to Qi Longs side.
Qi Long saw them coming and then told them about the situation. Li Lanfeng was shocked by the news  after receiving the text to come, he had been rushing over when he had suddenly heard the sound of sirens, so he knew something major must have happened, but he had never expected that things would be so serious.
However, Li Lanfeng quickly pushed the shock to the back of his mind. He focused his attention on Ling Lan, wanting to know what Ling Lan was discussing with the team leaders. After listening for a while, Li Lanfengs expression became more and more grim. He did not expect the rabbit to be so daring, actually setting his sights on the mecha storehouse during such a dangerous moment.
Clearly, the upcoming battle will be a mecha battlefield. We are personally too weak to stand against mecha. We have no way at all to resist, to protect ourselves. So, we need to obtain weapons equal to the enemys, stated Ling Lan coldly.
Boss Lan, its not that we dont trust your judgment, but we have never used real mecha before, especially those members of the lower ranks. Some have only begun learning how to operate mecha in Mecha World. They will not be able to put up any fight at all. At this time, one team leader shared the real situation of the members below him. His words received the agreement of quite a number of the team leaders, because they too had a significant number of members like that under them.
Is that so ? Ling Lan frowned at those words. Because all her team members could operate mecha, she had temporarily forgotten that not every team was as fearsome as her team 1 . After some thought, Ling Lan said, Its my mistake  then lets do this instead. Well split into two groups. Those who have confidence in their skills can come with me, while those who cannot operate mecha yet will form another team
Here, Ling Lan paused. Very soon, she handed out a document to all the team leaders and pointed out a spot marked with a red star. The other team will go to this location. It is the most secure anti-air stronghold of the military academy. Once they are inside, they will not have to worry about their safety any longer.
It was naturally Little Four who had found this safe anti-air base as well. Right after they had arrived at the school, Little Four had already mapped out every single nook and cranny of the campus, whether it was open or hidden away. The school had around thirty anti-air facilities, but only three were the best in terms of sturdiness and safety. The one Ling Lan had marked out was the one closest to them out of the three.
Seeing this map, Wu Jiong was startled. He lifted his head to stare at Ling Lan, wondering  could it be that Boss Lans hacker powers were already so strong that there was nowhere in this school which was barred to him? Coming from a military family, he knew very well that this map was definitely a confidential document. For Ling Lan to have gotten his hands on it within such a short time frame, he must have used some extraordinary means.
As if noticing the suspicion in Wu Jiongs eyes, Li Lanfeng, who had been closely observing the proceedings all this while, quickly spoke up, This map was given to Boss Lan by me.
Li Lanfeng may have been too concerned about the rabbit and had not taken the time to reflect on the matter. Since these team leaders were all part of the New Cadet Regiment, they should already know a thing or two about the regiment commander Ling Lans abilities. When he had spoken up, there had only been one thought in Li Lanfengs mind, and that was that he must help the rabbit hide his secrets
Li Lanfengs words made a trace of surprise flash across Ling Lans eyes, but when she saw the worry contained in Li Lanfengs eyes, she instantly understood why Li Lanfeng had said what he had said
The corners of Ling Lans lips quirked up slightly, her heart suffused with pleasure. So it turned out that it felt pretty good to have someone worry for you. Basking in the enjoyment of this feeling, Ling Lan did not say anything to refute Li Lanfengs statement. She leaned back on the sofa with a half-smile, waiting to see how Li Lanfeng would flesh out his lie.
Li Lanfengs unexpected interjection made Wu Jiong turn his head to look at him in surprise. When he saw Li Lanfeng, his brow furrowed noticeably.
In contrast to Ling Lan and Qi Long who only focused on their own matters, Wu Jiong was clearly more like a true regiment commander. Over this period of time, he had completely grasped the information of the high-level people associated with the various major factions, and Li Lanfeng was one of them. Wu Jiong remembered very clearly that Li Lanfeng was the primary strategist of the Wuji Mecha Clan. Even though the Wuji Mecha Clan had taken in a new strategist this year, threatening his position within the faction, it could not be denied that the Wuji Mecha Clans dominance over the Central Academy faction to stay in third place these past few years was definitely due to this persons strategies.
As a newborn faction, the other factions of the military academy were all rivals of the New Cadet Regiment. As such, this person should be someone on the opposing side, so why had he shown up here? With an expression filled with wariness, Wu Jiong asked coldly, As the strategist of the academys number three faction, the Wuji Mecha Clan, Id like to know why you chose to hand this map to our regiment commander.
Wu Jiong had no doubts that this map had been submitted by Li Lanfeng. As the primary strategist of the Wuji Mecha Clan and a senior cadet who had hung around the academy for four years, it was still very possible for the other to obtain a top-secret map like this one.
Wu Jiongs questioning caused Li Lanfeng to instinctively shift back into his initial character role. With a slight smile on his face, he said, Because I have already left the Wuji Mecha Clan and intend to join under Boss Lans banner. And this map is my entrance submission. Boss Lan, isnt that so? Li Lanfeng cast his gaze at Ling Lan, a subtle sense of pleading in his eyes, as if hoping for Ling Lan to work with him here.
Seeing this, Ling Lan nodded slightly and said, Yes, it is indeed as he said. As expected of a black-bellied fellow, lies coming so easily to his lips  Ling Lan found that she really did not know Li Lanfeng. Still, Ling Lan believed that Li Lanfengs sincerity in wanting to join her battle clan was indisputable, even while he remained unaware of her true identity. This was why Ling Lan still chose to believe in Li Lanfeng even after learning of his true identity.
Wu Jiong was sceptical over Li Lanfengs words, because no matter how you looked at it, the bright future of the Wuji Mecha Clan as one of the top three factions in the school was obviously much more attractive than the uncertain fate of the New Cadet Regiment. An intelligent person typically would not abandon Wuji and choose the New Cadet Regiment, and Li Lanfeng was precisely one of those most intelligent people.
Wu Jiong was not satisfied with Li Lanfengs explanation, but seeing how composed Ling Lan was, he put aside the suspicions he harboured in his heart. Wu Jiong believed that since Ling Lan dared to take in Li Lanfeng, he must have some plan in mind. Perhaps there was some deeper meaning behind all this  Wu Jiong did not want to ruin Boss Lans great plan by doing anything unnecessary.
However, Wu Jiong still could not help making a slight threat, I hope you manage to do what you say  dont disappoint Boss Lan. Strategists or whatever are the worst  they are all a bunch of inscrutable people with bellies full of plots and schemes  Wu Jiong was rather leery of people like that.
In response to Wu Jiongs threat, Li Lanfeng retained his usual smile just as if he had heard nothing, as composed as ever. This discouraged Wu Jiong somewhat  as expected, the other was not someone easy to handle.
At this point, Ling Lan could tell that this matter had come to a close. Not having to explain the source of the map made things considerably easier for Ling Lan. With a stern expression, she ordered all the team leaders, Tally up the numbers immediately. Five minutes later, I want to know the final name lists for both groups.
Yes, Regiment Commander! replied everyone respectfully.
Five minutes went by quickly and the name lists were submitted. At this time, ten or so kilometres away from the academy, a sudden loud roaring of artillery firing could be heard, the flash from the shots lighting up the initially dark night
Everyone in the living room, other than Ling Lan, instantly leapt towards the windows. Looking up into the sky above, they saw that countless metal eggs had appeared. This scene caused all their faces to change. Although they trusted Boss Lans judgment, really seeing it was another matter. When the night sky had been cut by the flares of artillery fire, what came into sight was a sky full of metal eggs, shocking them all to the core  war had truly descended upon them.
Ling Lan calmly scanned the two lists in her hands and then clapping her hands together, she said loudly, Wu Jiong, Li Yingjie!
Wu Jiong and Li Yingjie had been rendered dumbstruck by the scene in the sky; suddenly hearing Ling Lan shout out their names, they shivered and quickly replied, Here!
You two, immediately lead the second team to the anti-air stronghold. Ling Lan handed the second name list to Wu Jiong.
Wu Jiongs gaze flickered but he did not reach out to take the list, as if somewhat hesitant to accept Ling Lans orders. Ling Lan continued to say, You both should know where the mecha storehouse is. We will wait for you two there. I cannot trust anyone else with this second group.
When Wu Jiong and Li Yingjie heard this, they were instantly filled with the feeling that it would be worth dying for someone who understood them. Wu Jiong nodded emphatically as he accepted the name list and replied, Boss Lan, Yingjie and I will definitely make sure to escort them safely to the anti-air shelter.
Beside him, Li Yingjie also patted his chest in agreement that they would definitely complete the task given to them successfully.
Alright. This was the first time Li Yingjie, who liked strutting around causing trouble, had been entrusted with such an important task. In his excitement, his admiration for Boss Lan grew. Sure enough, Boss Lan was still the person who knew him best  it actually felt so amazing to be trusted.
Chapter 358: This is Real Battle!
Translator: ryuxenji Editor: H2dH2mr
Okay, then Ill leave everything to you both, said Ling Lan solemnly before turning to look at Chang Xinyuan to say, Chang Xinyuan, you follow them!
Chang Xinyuans expression changed and he asked, Why, Boss Lan?
This is a real battle. Your mecha control skills will not keep you alive on the battlefield. Ling Lan did not care about protecting Chang Xinyuans feelings, bluntly telling him the reason for her order. This was not Mecha World, where Chang Xinyuan had his own modified mecha; all the mecha in the mecha storehouse would be standard mecha. Like Ling Lan had said, to survive the battlefield, they would need to rely on their own control skills and techniques.
Ling Lans merciless words made Chang Xinyuan lower his head in shame. Ling Lan saw the dejected Chang Xinyuan and gave a mental sigh. It looked like she would not be able to set aside the role of spiritual life coach anytime soon. Thus, she said, There will be many more opportunities to fight. Train your control skills up well after this so that, at that time, you will be able to move alongside us.
Ling Lans words of reassurance did not make Chang Xinyuan feel much better. He clenched his fists tight with his head bowed, an uncontrollable sense of disappointment and rage in his heart. He was disappointed because he was being left behind again  this was already the second time, and the reason for both times was the same  his mecha control skills were not up to par.
He knew that the support members of other battle clans typically would not go to the battlefield personally, using their talents to serve their battle clans from the rear instead. However, he did not want to become that type of support member. He wanted to be Lin Zhong-qing, or Li Shiyu, or Han Jijyun  they were all support members, but their combat prowess was formidable enough that he looked up to them. The more time he spent with them, the more keenly he felt his incompetence. The modification innate talent he was so proud of had no place at all here  yes, he was angry at his own helplessness. If he had just spent a little more effort in the past to train up his mecha control skills, perhaps he would not have had to be left behind now.
However, this was the last time. He absolutely would not allow Boss Lan to leave him behind for the third time! Chang Xinyuan made this solemn vow to himself. Then, he lifted his head decisively to look at his boss and say firmly, I will no longer be the weak link, Boss Lan. I will do what I say.
Even Wu Jiong and Li Yingjie standing to one side could feel Chang Xinyuans determination, and they found their admiration growing even more for Ling Lans ability to attract talent. Those who Boss Lan took in, no matter how useless they were at first, would soon go through tremendous changes, and this was something they could not replicate.
Chang Xinyuans words made Ling Lans heart move. She nodded seriously and said, I believe you! Ling Lan was more than glad to see a team member want to become stronger.
Right after that, Ling Lan turned to look at Wu Jiong and Li Yingjie and said, Take action immediately. If the enemy manages to land successfully and get into the school, you all really wont be able to move anywhere anymore. The dormitory district was equipped with a full defensive beam shield. Once it activated due to artillery fire, those within the district would not be able to get out anymore, unless this defensive shield was broken by external forces.
Ling Lan did not think highly of this defensive beam shield. In her eyes, this was a design failure, which forced the students inside to become turtles in a jar. The moment the defensive beam shield was shattered, those cadets made to remain within the dormitory district would be served up to the enemy on a platter. This was also why Ling Lan had asked the students of the New Cadet Regiment to relocate to the anti-air shelter.
Yes, Boss Lan! Wu Jiong and Li Yingjie knew that time was short. Without further delay, they immediately went outside with Chang Xinyuan and led the second group swiftly away from Ling Lans villa, sprinting towards their destination.
Following the departure of group two, the New Cadet Regiment which originally stood at near 300 members suddenly lost about half their number. Only about a little more than 100 members remained, and most of them were ex-students of the Central Scout Academy. They had fought alongside Ling Lan during the grand armed melee, as well as hijacked a spaceship with her. Now, under Ling Lans lead once more, they were about to break into the military academys mecha storehouse and engage in real mecha battle much earlier than expected. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers  they were not afraid to fight; thoughts of the upcoming battle made them immensely excited instead.
It should be known that only cadets with exceptional results would have the chance to board real mecha and battle with them in their third year at the academy. Otherwise, they would only be able to use real mecha in their fourth year. But now, under Ling Lans lead, this moment was brought forward by two to three years. They were even heading straight into the actual combat stage! This once again reinforced the notion that if they followed Boss Lan, they would definitely have lots of thrills to sink their teeth into 1 and would be able to do some things they would never have dared to even dream of on their own
Ling Lan looked around at these unusually excited faces and was secretly rather worried. Being too excited was not a bad thing, but they could not lose their calm. In particular, all these people had followed her since the Central Scout Academy days. Every time she pushed to do something outrageous, these schoolmates would support her without any hesitation or regret. It could be said that without their support, the grand armed melee back then would never have been launched at all. And without their full cooperation, taking control of the spaceship would not have gone so smoothly.
This time, she had boldly chosen to break into the mecha storehouse. Although a part of it was indeed a matter of personal safety  in the face of an overwhelming horde of enemy mecha, only mecha could provide Ling Lan with a sense of safety  a larger part was because she truly wanted to give these schoolmates who trusted her an extra measure of protection and the ability to truly decide their own survival. This way, she hoped that after tonight, she would still be able to see these schoolmates tomorrow

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