Genetic test

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Quinn:(waiting on a blanket)

Puck:Hey Quinn

Quinn:Hi Noah

Puck:Hey what's wrong baby

Quinn:I'm pregnant

Puck:What oh ummm mine?

Quinn:I don't know

Puck:What do you mean you don't know I'm your boyfriend

Quinn:Finn and I we hooked up

Puck:You cheated on me

Quinn:No it was before we got back together

Puck:It's okay but I want a genetic test does he know

Quinn:Yes he knows I told him it's yours

Puck:Why me

Quinn:I don't want to ruin my friendship with him

Puck:It's going to be okay Quinn you wanna know who the father is


Puck:Then let's go

2 hours later:

Doctor:The results came back Noah Puckerman is not the father

Quinn:So it's Finns

Puck:Yeah I guess so

Back in Noah's car because he stopped putting Quinn on his motorcycle:

Puck:You going to tell him

Quinn:No and if he ask it's yours

Puck:What happens if the kid winds up looking like him

Quinn:I'm not keeping I'm putting up for adoption of can't raise a baby


Quinn:I can't I'm sorry babe

Puck:If it's what you want

Quinn:Thank you

Puck:Do you love me

Quinn:Yes Noah I love you

Puck:Do you love him tell the truth do you love Finn more then friends

Quinn:I don't know

Puck:Alright I'll be here for you no matter what

Quinn:Thank you

Puck:No problem so ummm how did you and Finn happen

Quinn:When we were 15 we made a pact of haven't lost it in a year we'd loose it to each other and I went over Finn's I kissed him and asked him if he remembered the pact and he said yes so I asked him if he wanted to


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