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art by _Silventer_


The door they had used as a raft had slid into the sand, right before a path way of light to a dimly lit doorway and a large TV at the left that was left a stray.

(Y/n) stepped off the raft and raised an eyebrow up as Momo went up ahead but Six was behind.

She was staring at the massive city, eyeing everything she could in the lack of light and through the blue fog that had the air of death in it.

"Hey!" (Y/n) called out to them, snapping her out of her trance.
One the small girl had ran a certain distance where she was, the two chased after Mono who was climbing up to a window across the wooden board room.

As the two kids ran, there was a broken ceiling above them with a TV hung by a wire with the clothes of an adult inside it.
What kind of dumbass shoves themselves at a a TV?, (y/n) pondered as they reached the bashed in wall.

They stepped foot out to an empty city, ranging in shops around them. (Y/n) walked in a steady pace on the stone road, not wanting to lose sight of Momo or Six.

Entering the window of a broken Barber shop window, (y/n) sighed of relief, clothes were draped on the chairs, meaning several adults have died, almost similar to evaporation.
I'm so glad we don't get chased by a man with huge scissors for no god damn reason, they sighed, making their way to a room with a broken door and TVs seen in the ocean and the shore outside piled up together.

(Y/n) hummed as they muttered out. "All my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile." They mouthed the song in order to not get caught by other adults in the building, if any survived at least.

The three has met a dead end with a small narrow window to go through.
"One is gonna stay behind." Six muttered.
"What?!" (Y/n) gasped, knowing full well it meant them.
"Just stay here. Someone give me a boost." Mono interrupted the two kids as Six helped Momo up to the frame and jumped through.

"Uh, both of you have to stay behind for a while." Mono mumbled.

Six softly whined as (y/n) went to a corner behind a TV. "Didn't you hear what he said?" Six asked.
"I have to go!" (Y/n) whispered back.
"He said we have to stay and he'll think of a plan." Six stood at the wall.
"I mean, I have to go!" They yelled, crossing their thighs tightly as they reached a corner behind a TV. Six shrugged and turned to the corner to not stare.

(Y/n) stood up to pull down their sweater like dress right before Momo called out to the kids down below.

(Y/n) ran to the TV Six stood on and held on to the rope as they were hoisted in the air at the last second they got there.

"You still there?" Six asked.
"Did you want me to be left behind?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow to her question and climbed up the TV and to the board Six jumped on.

(Y/n) reached the two kids and at the bottom of the broken stairs before running back up to a plank that was broken in the middle which the three were easily able to jump over.

Mono slipped through a cracked door and a TV instantly buzzed on, making the shorter child wonder what was happening on the other side.

Six shoved through, yelling at Momo which (y/n) couldn't tell what was happening as they couldn't fit through the tiny slit of the door.
(Y/n) groaned, grabbing a board from the door and pushed it open to see Momo being torn away from the TV with Six dusting herself from the fall.

"Why are you guys on the floor?" (Y/n) ran over to help the smaller kids and rushing out the window and falling into a stuffed dumpster.

"I hate this so much." (Y/n) groaned, removing a napkin from their head and jumping out with Six and Mono behind.

(Y/n) stopped in their path down the alley as a massive school with a dull grey and dead blue aura appeared behind a chain linked fence.

(Y/n) slowly approached the fence, holding the cold wet chains. Looking to their right was a dumpster and a small gap behind it, showing broken chain links behind it.

"Momo, Six, help me pull this." (Y/n) called out to the wandering children who down the alley.

As clever as they were, they were still kids which meant their attention span was difficult to control.

(Y/n) pulled the dumpster by it's lower bars as Six and Momo pitched in, heaving the heavy and over packed garbage inside.

Once it was away from the fence, (y/n) went behind to slip through the chains and walked in the abandoned playground that contained a low hanging swing, soccer goals at both ends and a see-saw.

"Ya know, I was hoping on relaxing a bit. I mean, you were getting shot at for the love of God. Now we gotta go through this shit?" (Y/n) groaned, nearing the white cloth rip that hung from a window.
"Come on." They called out to the other children.
Their eyes widened as Mono stood at one end of the see saw and Six about to jump on the other side.

"Uh, Mono. . . You should mo-"
They cut themselves off with a winced as Six jumped on the see saw, the plank raising up Mono into the air.
"Yeah, that." (Y/n) ran to check on the kids.

No one said these children were the most obedient. Kids will stay kids — reckless and have the most devotion to work on something.

With that being said, (y/n) climbed up the rope, feeling the rope being pulled from beneath by the other 2 kids.

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