-First time-

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I wake up the next morning and hear a lot of banging so, I got up out of bed slowly and walk to the door. Peeking out I see Blake in the kitchen with Reed.

Walking out of Axel's room toward the kitchen, I startle Blakely when I ask, "what are you doing in here?"

"Well Blakely is attempting to make breakfast." Reed replies as he moves things on the counter.

"I am making breakfast." She says with a huff.

"What are you making?" I look at the things she has on the counter with a, smile knowing it's going to be a disaster.

"I'm making eggs with cheese and veggies." She smiles.

"Blakely I love you, but let me make breakfast before Axel comes back to no apartment. If it makes you feel any better, I'll use what you have here just, thin it a little to make omelettes. You can do something for me though, you can cut some fruit for me, and Reed can you grab in the fridge if there is any, cream cheese, milk and also bacon." I ask with a smile.

"I can do that." He walks over to the fridge.

"Blake please cut up some strawberries with some blueberries and raspberries then place them in separate bowls." I tell her as, I place the bacon in the pan to cook and mix the, eggs with some cream cheese and milk for the omelettes.

With everything made we put it on the table and Blakely, Reed, myself and the guys came and sat down to eat. Seeing the looks on everyones faces, I smile knowing they're happy with the meal.

When everyone was done, I cleaned up the kitchen and wash the dishes then, went to Axel's room to take a shower.

While I was I'm in the shower washing, I close my eyes and thoughts about Axel and how, I wish he was here right now so, I can be in his arms. As I was in my thoughts, I feel hands slowly wrap around my waist and a deep voice speaks next to my ear. "Did you miss me Sweetheart?" As he lays kisses along my shoulder.

I turn around and jump, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, he holds me tight in his arms kissing me on the lips. I start to kiss him back never wanting him to let me go. Instantly feeling safe in his arms.

"Axel I'm so, sorry about everything that happened the other night." I say against his lips.

Axel breaks the kiss and looks me in the eyes, placing his hand on my cheek, still holding me with his other arm. "You did nothing wrong at all. Don't ever think you caused this, you understand." As he then looks in my eyes searching for my answer.

I look at him and shake my head yes. He places his hand, on my cheek and rubs his thumb against it, I lean into his hand. Moving back he then, placing his forehead against mine. I close my eyes breathing him in. "I know, you don't want to talk about what happened, but I do want to know, did he hurt you at all?"

"No, he just grabbed my wrist and squeezed it a little when, I tried to leave that's all." I show him my wrist, as he places his hand, on it brings my hand to his lips, and kisses my wrist.

"I promise to be here to protect you." Kissing my lips once more.

"I know you will and would have if you could. You didn't know that, this was going to happen Axel. Don't beat yourself up over this." I place my hands on his face holding his gaze.

Getting out of the shower Axel places me down on the floor, I then wrap myself in a towel and head into the bedroom. I had nothing to wear so, I put my dress back on from the night before.When I turn around I see Axel in nothing, but his sweats and I just swoon, admiring his tattoo tone chest and abs. Axel walks toward me in a stride and places his arms around me, kissing me on the lips. He lifts me up in his arms as, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, he walks over and slowly lays me down on his bed.

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