-False alarm-

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Waking up this morning, I feel a little bit of pain in my stomach that jerks me up in bed. Holding my stomach not sure what is going on. I get up, but then scream from the pain Axel comes from the bathroom and straight to me.

"Baby what's wrong, are you okay?" With a scared look in his eyes.

"I don't know Axel, but I have a sharp pain in my stomach and it woke me up from my sleep." I rub my belly.

Axel quickly gets dressed and gets me some clothes. Once we are both dressed we let Chance no what was going on, being he was the only one up. Axel helps me to the car and then gets in. We take off down the driveway to the Doctors office. Axel driving, I get a few more of the pains.

Once we made it to the Doctors office, Axel helps me out and we go in, walking to the desk. "How can I help you ?" The lady at the desk asks.

"My wife is pregnant and woke up this morning in pain." Axel says as I have another pain shoot through my stomach.

"What's her name and how far along is she?" The receptionist asks as she starts typing on her computer.

"She's seven an a half months and her name is Saige Anders"

"Okay, who is her Doctor?"

"It's Dr Harris, right Sweetheart." I look at Saige as she's rubbing her belly.

"Yes Dr Harris." As she leans forward from the pain.

"Okay have a seat and I will get her."

Axel and I sit and wait then, the nurse comes out and calls us in. We're walking to the room, once we enter the nurse asked for me to lay on the bed. As I lay on the bed, the nurse tells us the Doctor will be right in. Dr Harris comes in and asked a couple of question. She asked for Axel to leave the room for a moment while she examines me. After the Doctor finishes she calls Axel back in. Axel walks over to me and holds my hand while, the Doctor adds gel to my belly and then moved the wand around. I see on the screen as I hold Axel's hand, the babies and then hear the heart beat.

"Okay Saige what it looks like is you are having Braxton Hicks, which is common in a pregnancy."

"Should we watch for anything?" Axel asks as he holds my hand.

"Just minimal stress and no traveling, until after the babies are born. Also you could go into labor a little earlier than nine months"

"Okay Doctor, thank you and we'll see you soon." Axel and I walk out of the Doctor's office and head back home. Once we get back home Axel helps me out of the car and we walk inside the house.

"Oh my god Saige are you okay?" Blakely questions as she waddles in the living room.

"Yeah Blakely, I'm fine. I thought something was wrong with the babies, because I had sharp pains."

"Is everything okay? Are the babies okay?" Blakely asks me grabbing my hand.

"Yeah I just had what they call Braxton Hicks, so I just have to take it easy and can't travel..." As Axel steps in and adds, "or gain any stress at all."

"Baby I'm going to leave you here to rest and I'm going, to my home office to talk to the guys. After I'm going to run you a bath. If you need anything before then call me."

"Okay I will."


"Okay guys we need to make sure, that there isn't going to be anymore trouble along the way. I had to take Saige to the doctors, because she woke up with pains. She's going to be fine, it was only Braxton Hicks which is normal. She only has a month an a half to go and Blakely a month, but there is a chance she could go into labor early."

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