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"It's finally time. Tonight we are going to steal the first Oni Mask." Mohawk entered my room wearing a smirk.

His face was painted with his usual white and black paint. "Here are our disguises." He hands me a light duffle bag. "I call dibs on the black one."

I reached into the bag and pull out a motorcycle helmet. It was painted black and brown in a sort of festive yet creepy way.

I laugh as I pull out the matching costume. "Is this the one you wanted?" To Mohawk's surprise, the outfit was grey with brown belts, no black in sight.

"Wait, no-" I didn't let him finish. "Too late, you already called dibs."

He groaned as I took a closer at the disguise. It resembled an outfit the Ninja used to wear.

"What are we disguised as, budget ninja?"

He chuckled as I stuffed the costume into the bag. "I guess. Supposed to help us blend in during the festival."

I tossed him the black helmet and pulled out the second one. It was painted red. Why did it have to be red?

"Man, this helmet is going to ruin my mohawk." I looked up to see him sadly staring at the helmet. I laughed. "We will have to come up with a new nickname for you."

"Shut up and get changed. We don't want to be late." I grab the matching red outfit and toss the bag back to him. "You better change too," I said, shoving him out of my room.

After closing the door, I take off my normal attire. I tie my hair back into its usual ponytail, I stare at myself in the mirror. The mirror was small and cracked but I could still see my mother's eyes staring back at me. I miss her a little bit more every time I see my reflection.

Adjusting the mirror I could see the small bits of red in my costume. The Destiny Writers must dislike me or something, making me wear the red ninja outfit.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of the clock. We were going to be late.

I grabbed the helmet and ran out my door. I ran quickly down the long hallway and stopped for a brief moment only to bang on one of the doors.

"Hurry up Mohawk!" I turn and continued to run down the hall towards the train.

I could hear Mohawk yell from behind me, "Nya, wait!"

I came to a quick stop to avoid running into the others waiting for the train. It looked like Luke and Chopper Maroon would be joining us on the mission.

Mohawk came to a stop right beside me just as the train came into view. The train screeched as it came to a stop. The doors slowly opened and we boarded the train. Everyone sat down or grabbed onto the rails before putting on their helmets. I sat down next to Mohawk and waited for the doors to close. But after a minute, nothing happened. We must be waiting on someone.

Who are we missing? We have red, black, blue, and white. Oh right, green. How could I forget the most important one?

Just then a figure dressed in a green costume jumped into the car. They were the only one in the group carrying any visible weapons. They glance around the room at us before turning to face the opened doors.

As the doors began to shut, Mohawk whispered in my ear, "It's weird seeing Mr. E wearing a different costume."

Mr. E? I didn't know he was leading the mission. I guess that explains the silence. With Mr. E leading the mission, our success is definite. After all, he is programmed for this.

The train slowly began to move. On the other side of the train, I could hear Luke and Chopper talking about going to Laughy's or something. Mohawk was complaining about the helmet and his poor mohawk.

But I wasn't listening to the details. My eyes were fixed on the helmet that was sitting on my lap.

The haze leaves my head as a red light begins to flash. The others stand up, knowing we are almost at our destination.

I put on my helmet as the train came to a quick stop. The doors open and the others follow Mr. E out.

I take a deep breath before following.

It's going to be a big night, for everyone.

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