First Encounter

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Miranda Bailey has never been an outdoors person. As a child, the closest she'd allow herself to nature was nestled in the branches of a tree, book in hand. Now, as a successful surgeon and mother, not much has changed. Needless to say, she was beside herself with agony as she pulled into the entrance of the "Seattle Budding Genius Camp".

"Mom please, I beg of you." Tuck pleaded theatrically.

"William George, what am I do for 3 weeks in the middle of nowhere?! In your 14 years of life when have you ever known me to be an enjoyer of the outdoors?" Miranda responded.

"I- that's not the point!" Tuck sputtered.

"So then, what is?" Miranda retorted.

"Ma, ever since you became Chief we don't spend as much time together as we used to" The boy answered. "Of course, I understand what your job takes but a kid needs his mom. The volunteer medical counselor position is perfect for you! You won't even have to be outside that much. Now that you're on this sabbatical, why not use your new found time? The nature will help you relaaaax" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay! No need to guilt trip a girl. When is this thing?" Miranda conceded.

"Yes! I love you, I love you, I love you! It's in 1 week." He said while ambushing his mother in a hug.

"You know something lil' boy? You'd be one hell of a salesman." Miranda laughed.

Don't get her wrong, Miranda greatly enjoyed every moment she got to spend with her son, he was growing up to be an amazing young man; she just wished he'd chosen to spend time with her somewhere else. Those big brown eyes trapped her, the way they'd always managed to.

"Tuck!" Miranda semi-shouted waking her son "Come on, wake your butt up, we're here" she said nudging him.

"Hmm? O-okay I'm up, I'm up. We're here!" Tuck beamed, instantly alert.

Miranda grinned internally, she wouldn't let him know that she might enjoy this camp but she'd do anything for that face.

"Alright big man, lead the way" Miranda said to her son stepping into the main lodge of the camp.

The mother-son duo checked in and got situated.

Miranda turned to her son "There's hand sanitizer and some in the front pocket of your suitcase, you'll find some clean underwea-"

"Alright, alright Ma. I got it" Tuck said interrupting her, silently praying no one heard what his Mom had said.

"Remember! My phone is always on-"

"Goodnight Ma!" Tuck said hurrying off.

"Teenagers" Miranda chuckled to herself.

Back in her room, Miranda showered and slipped on a black silk lace nightgown. Due to the hustle of the day, Miranda hadn't eaten since breakfast, it was now 10:30pm; her hunger was not lost on her. With her little knowledge of the cabin, she grabbed her robe, slipped on some slippers and wondered out in search of the cafeteria. After 10 minutes of walking and nearly giving up twice, she finally made the right turn and found the cafeteria. She headed toward the first refrigerator she saw and bent over scouring it for something to sustain her.

Benjamin Warren and Miranda Bailey had unknowingly gone through similar processes with their children. Only, in Ben's scenario the roles were reversed, Ben had been more than excited to join his twin daughters Davina and Diana at this camp. Nonetheless, their journey was similar and Ben was extremely hungry. He had been to this camp before and knew his way around, he also knew that all administration would be in their quarters at this time of night so he'd have the cafeteria to himself... he thought. He turned the corner entering the room and his eyes just about fell out their sockets. There standing was of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. She was bent over, her silk gown clinging to each curve effortlessly. The dim light of the fridge provided the perfect spotlight for her every feature in the otherwise dark space. Her eyes shone in the light and her curls framed her face flawlessly. Benjamin was dumbfounded. After some seconds of silent ogling Ben finally remembered how to maneuver his legs. Careful not to startle the woman, he turned on the dimmed light.

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