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"You've got to be kidding me. Of all the Anesthesiologists on Gods green Earth!"  Miranda thought.

"Chief Bailey are you coming? We're ready for you." Meredith said a little louder than normal. If she left the sterile field she'd have to rescrub.

Miranda cursed her luck and Meredith Grey, she just had to call out her name for all to hear.

"Yes Grey, I'm coming." She said begrudgingly.

Ben's eyes bulged out of his head as he was reading his magazine. Surely this was a different Chief Bailey. He struggled with himself as he moved his head to look toward the source of what he'd heard. If this was his Chief Bailey he wasn't sure if he'd be able to concentrate. When he was finally able to look up he strained to stifle a gasp. It had only been a few days under a month since he'd last seen her but the affect she had on him remained. Even in her scrubs, cap and mask she was stunning and even in her scrubs, cap and mask he could see the fire in her eyes as they met his.

"You can do this Miranda, no one has to die today." She thought to herself as she entered the OR. In the time she'd been away from Ben she'd realized the feelings she had were very much real but those feelings still included anger, she hated to be embarrassed and she'd never felt more embarrassed than she did that day.

"Good Afternoon everyone." She said as she mounted her stool. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. A prayer for success in this surgery, for control and for patience. She opened her eyes again and scanned the room once more before zoning in on the task at hand, purposely staring at Ben for longer than would be deemed comfortable.

Miranda's eyes pierced Ben's and although he was entranced by their depth and beauty he felt tempted to cower at the anger they possessed, anger that was no doubt directed at him. Even so, he was wasn't one to give up. He stared right back at her with the same intensity, unwilling to lose whatever game she was playing.

"Scalpel." She said simply to the scrub nurse. Her demeanour alone let him know exactly why she was a respected chief.

After a little over 5 hours of surgery, Miranda placed the final closing stitch in her patient.

"Dr. Grey, please let our anesthesiologist know that it is time to lighten the patient." Miranda said.

Ben chuckled to himself and Miranda shot him a glare of ice, he expected nothing less from Miranda Bailey.

"I heard you just fine Dr. Bailey, thank you." Ben replied, his tone dripping in sarcasm.

If the people in the OR weren't yet aware that they knew each other outside of the facility, they definitely did now.

In a huff Miranda degowned and filled out the patients chart. By the time she'd left to scrub out all other personnel had left the OR, leaving the two alone, much to Miranda's dismay. She struggled to hold a groan as she saw him move toward her.

"Miranda Bailey, never thought I'd see you again." Ben said.

"What are you doing in my hospital Benjamin?" Miranda replied exasperatedly, "How are you practicing medicine in my hospital."

"I'm here for a conference." He replied, "Your chief of Anesthesiology gave me privileges for the day."

"Well it's a good thing it's..." She paused and glanced at the OR clock, "10:08pm, no longer daytime. You're free to go Doctor." She finished, undoubtedly annoyed.

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