Chapter 2- Smile...?

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I suppose yesterday was short-lived. Although- I quite rather the atmosphere at school today. It seems the melancholy feeling of somber clouds and damp air has returned.

Seeing the sun in all its glory is a rare sight up here in the mountains. One that I'd rather not witness. It's not as if I don't enjoy having the bright rays of the sun creeping in through the school windows; I just don't particularly like the feeling of being lathered in sweat. Plus- the school corridors feel much less 'colourful', than usual; my peers' energy seems to have receded with the covering of the clear skies (well, almost clear), their smiles and irritating laughter has diminished along with the piercing UV rays; I hate the way they sneak into my peripheral vision- clouding my judgement for a split second. How Ironic.

Walking through these silent corridors, staring out the window- for a second, I almost feel nostalgic, but the second I realise I had these thoughts- I rescind them. 

I don't like feeling this way; like I actually have an interest in the world around me. I would rather not think about it, it's not a very nice feeling to think about all the time you might've wasted. The feeling of regret isn't something uncommon- everyone has it, but it hurts to think I'm like everyone else- possibly even worse.


There's no way...



Stop it. I shouldn't think like this. Sometimes I think I might want to make myself miserable- like I purposefully try to feel sad. But again- it hurts to think this way. I feel pathetic when I think like this. You know what- I don't even know why I'm doing this right now.


The couch seems like a good place to unwind. I like wrapping myself up in the soft fibres of a blanket. It's warm- unlike outside. 

"Ahhh, Akira. You always seem to lift my spirits"- Did I really just say that aloud? Damn- that's kind of embarrassing. I cringe at the thought of what my sister would have said if she heard that.

"Huh?" looks like I got a message on revue starlight... from... Ushijima?

'What's your opinion on Junna?' -Ushijima

Yukina- 'She's good- I guess? That was kinda random'

 'Oh, ok. Just wanted to know' -Ushijima

Yukina- 'ok. What do you think about Akira?'

'She's cool. Part of the reason why I followed you' -Ushijima

Yukina- 'Then what was the other reason'

'You followed me'  -Ushijima

 'Why did you?' -Ushijima

Yukina- 'Is that it? Also, you surrendered- I respected you for that'

'No. Anyway- 'respected'- past tense?' -Ushijima

Yukina- '? No words. But anyway- no you still have the respect bro'

''Bro'? I was not aware you were my brother.' -Ushijima

Yukina- 'No. That's not what I meant. smh'

Yukina- 'Did I use that right? smh?'

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