Chapter 3- What is this lie you speak of?

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I always think this, but; the ringing of the school bell is vexatious as much as it is refreshing. I seem to be complaining about school a lot more often and it's not very pleasuring to have such an attitude. Also- this way I speak in my head, it's really... lame? Loserish? Why do I annotate everything and why is it all so poetic. Even my desperate search for answers just now is making me feel severely pathetic.

On another note- Damn did I just do it again? and again! Okay, time to stop... whatever the f*** that was. 

Maths. Somewhat enjoyable- I wish I could say that about my next period. Gym. Am I going to go? Is that even a question? Will I regret it later? Did my Mother regret giving birth to me? Wait no- the answer is no- I think, I mean she's never said anything but-STOP!! Am I gonna get away with it? Probably, I mean it's never gotten me in trouble before. 

To skip Gym I have to pass by the Team-Leaders office. Mr. Macfall- of course he's here! Bro I swear he's always watching me! Detour time. The other way I can go is past the sub-campus gymnasiums on the far left of the school. Get past them and I'm a free man! Revue here I come!

The loud thrashing of balls and cacophonous pounding from this row of gyms is something completely new to me. I've never gone to this part of the school after all. I'm not usually this concerned with noises I hear- and for good reason. But, Curiosity killed the cat. God I love quoting sayings! I've never seen them in person but I've definitely heard of them- Shiratorizawa's Volleyball club. I don't know much about them except that they've been to nationals and of course- their ace; Ushijima Wakatoshi. He always seems to be on the tongues of the students here. Seeing him in person- He does not look like a high schooler! I would not be surprised if he got drug-busted. He seems like he's pretty good. Although it doesn't seem like he talks much. Not that I care, I mean, I don't even know him nor have spoken to him. <--(Actually that was a lie).

Short chapter I know but don't worry coz I'll bring ut another tomorrow or rather push one down to you (as my teacher's would say- Why do they say that? plz tell me. It's really f***ing annoying bro.). It's more of like a part 1 part 2 kinda thing. I was gonna publish the full thing tmrw but I just really wanted to publish this today sooo.... TAKE IT!!

@ushijimasrice wanna do my Homework? 😗🤔 Also stop simping for Ushijima. Did you forget about your beloved? Sephiroth ringing any bells?

@thecultofoikawasear  I didn't forget about you. Do you need a psychiatrist? If you do my fees start at $50 an hour. JK. I just wish I had more...💸💸😭😭

So- either of you got any recommendations? Iykyk...bypdk...Irdwttl...bIjmeudia...jc.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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