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Chaos came quickly.

"No," Evan whimpered, falling back and immediately letting go of his hand. "No."

"I'm sorry," Draco said, defeated, burying his face into his knees again.

"No," Evan said more firmly. "W-Why would he do that?!" She was shaking, could feel the rage pulsate in her chest. When she looked down at her shaking hands, she could see the black veins rippling beneath her skin.

Draco sat up, his face fallen in numbness again. He was hallow, staring at the drain as the last dregs of water trickled down it. "I don't know."

Evan was in shock. She started to feel the sobs come up, her teeth barred against them. The Dark Lord had pushed her to Draco, wanted her to be close to him and be in love with him. And now, he had assigned him to someone else, someone to sleep with him, to bear his child.

"No," Evan said through gritted teeth. She stood up quickly, ignoring the water that was dripping out onto the floor. There was only one thing for Evan to do. She shoved the pain back, far back behind her walls. If she didn't do so, it would overtake her.

"She's here," Draco whispered. Her eyes snapped down to him in fury. She felt the veins ripple. Draco looked up at her, his own face set into a hard, aching line. "Down the hall."

Evan could not handle it. She felt the Dark Magic radiate from within. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to find Hermione Granger, somewhere in the house, and murder her. She balled her hand into a fist and Draco's eyes trailed over the veins, worming their way up her wrists.

"I can't be here," Evan said, distorted and strained. Draco's head shot up. He stared at her, stunned, before standing, his body shaking.

"Don't leave," he said darkly. It sounded like a threat.

"I can't be here," Evan repeated. Her clenched fists shook. She looked up into his grey eyes and Draco witnessed the veins pulsate out from under hers. He reached for her face, wanting to calm the dark magic festering in her cheeks, but her eyes were turning black. The second that he made contact, she stepped back, resisting the urge to reach for her wand and set the house on fire. When her voice rang out again, it sounded even more distorted. "I cannot be here with her in the house. I will kill her."

Evan knew that it wasn't Hermione Granger's fault. In fact, it was all Evan's fault. She had captured Granger and brought her to the Dark Lord. Maybe if she had been more enthusiastic about "repopulating" with Draco, the Dark Lord would not have sent him another girl. This only added fuel to Evan's rage and she tried desperately to calm down, to will her eyes to turn back to green. They would not cooperate, the black voids boring into Draco. He did not look afraid, only dark and hardened.

"Don't leave, Evangeline," he said. Again, this sounded like a threat. But she turned on her heels, resisting the urge to blast the walls out of his bathroom. He didn't call after her or run to stop her. He watched as she walked into his bedroom and Disapparated with a crack.

For the second time that day, she ended up on her father's doorstep. She started to knock, the Dark Magic wilting until she was left with the pain, poking out from behind her walls. It was immediately overpowering and her mouth hung open in a silent, earth shattering sob, her knuckles resting on the door without even knocking on it. She gripped her stomach, closing her eyes tightly and trying not to die of her broken heart.

Suddenly, the door whipped open, right as her silent sob erupted into a cry of agony, muffled by her gritted teeth.

"Evangeline!" Severus exclaimed. She wobbled on her feet and tried to walk inside the door, but she stumbled, sobbing openly into Severus' chest when he caught her.

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