Chapter 40-Runaway

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Once again I found myself in the same old park. Once again in the company of my hyung, my saviour, my best friend.

I had the same usual smile on my face . And the excitement and the eagerness to play with him like every time. But hyung...he looked different right now.

He looked somewhat dull and unenergetic today. That was definitely not his regular self. Apart from that I noticed he was carrying some..stuff wrapped in a big cloth like thing ?

The bundle or sack or whatever it is called was kept beside him on the bench were currently sitting on. He wasn't even speaking anything. Just blankly staring in front at the green grass lawn.

He seemed to be thinking deeply. His expression was unreadable but I observed a glint of trouble in his eyes.

"Hyung? Are you okay?"

I asked him. Hoping he would be honest and tell me what was bothering him. I was his friend, he should tell me if he considered me as one.

But he simply turned his head towards me. The blank expression got replaced with an apologetic kind of smile. He adoringly stared at me for a while before shaking his head twice.

"Nothing you should worry about."

"Really? You can tell me, you know."

"No, it's okay."

I felt completely dissatisfied with his reply. Was I not a good enough person to rely on?

I wondered if I would ever mean a trustable and helpful person to him someday. To whom he would share everything, his happiness, his proud moments, his troubles, his sorrow, his love...

But again, if he didn't want to share I should not be sad or mad at him. As a good friend, and a good person I must respect his own space. What if he was not comfortable himself? He might be needing time.

I'm sure he would tell me soon, whenever he would feel like it.

So I didn't question further. I replied with a nod and started to plan what we should play today. There weren't many fun rides in the park.

But somehow, I never got bored with him.

The time always seemed to pass by so quick when we were together.

His sole company was enough for me yet made me keep wanting more of him.

"Do you want to eat something? I...I brought some food."

His sweet voice slipped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him. He was still smiling at me. His looked so fond. Just like it always did!

I wasn't really hungry since I had a good breakfast made by aunt. But it was almost time for lunch now.

Ah~ Lunch with hyung!

"Yes! I would totally love to!!"

I must be smiling like an idiot, for he giggled a bit at seeing my face. Well, anything to make him happy.

I don't know why and how he makes me feeling all giddy when I'm with him. But I loved it, and I loved him.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched him picking the bundle up and placing it on lap. He undid the knot and opened the cloth, just a little bit so I could not see the objects inside.

I fully turned to face him and saw him inserting his hand inside the bundle, taking out some packets. He kept the bundle back on the side and offered two of the them to me.

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