Chapter 29-Beach At Night

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It is almost night. And the school has reached its destination-the resort in Hawaii where they all are staying at.

Quite near to the beach it was. And while everyone is taking a rest after the long  hours of travel, Yoongi is out admiring the beauty of his solitary walk at the shores. The aura there isn't the same as the ones in Korea.

The golden sand which now seemed silver stretched along the horizon as far as one could see. It was mine field of corals, with a collection of various multi-colored sea shells. Smell of salty sea tingling sensations with each breath of the fresh air taken. The waves are singing a dulcet lullaby, that could make one reminisce their childhood. The stars are shimmering like little diamonds hidden within igneous rocks. And, cool gentle breeze ruffling the hair of the few passerbys. The sounds of the beach complemented the beautiful imagery, creating a sense of inner peace and harmony.

The young teacher halts as his eyes comes upon a certain figure sitting at the coastline. His smooth red hair fluttering in the air as the bright moonlight shone upon his sharp yet soft face, detailing each of its enchanting features, for whom countless girls would fawn over. Especially the ones reading this.

The figure is silently watching the high and low tides of the ocean go up and down, as if performing a fan dance of their own. Yoongi stays still for a while, deeply inhaling the glorious scent of the mighty water body. He then goes straight ahead to sit down right beside that figure, without saying anything.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it Yoongi?"
As if he immediately recognized the said boy just by the sound of his footsteps, Jimin speaks so and turns his face towards him.

"Indeed it is. But what are you doing here ?"

"Admiring mother nature....just like you."

"Weren't you not totally willing to come, earlier ?"

"Hmm...actually, I wanted to go for a mountain hiking trip, but...if *you like it here, I'm more than happy."

Yoongi didn't really understand Jimin. One moment he would act so kind and nice, other times he'd be annoying and flirtatious. But this time he sounded somehow genuine. And the pale boy couldn't help his cheeks from turning a slight pink.

"Yes. Here is better for me." Yoongi giggles, "Hiking is just too much energy."

"I could have carried you all the way~"

"There you go again." ( ̄へ ̄)

"Haha can't help it. "


"Not long ago, there was a big mansion located a little far from this tourist spot. The area was less populous but it people often came by. The owner of this house was a young rich married couple who didn't have any children. The lady was extremely beautiful, with soft sun-kissed skin as smooth as honey, long wavy brown hair that ran down her toned waist, long eyelashes which brushed her high cheekbones as she blinked.  Green almond eyes, sharp straight nose, and plump cherry-tinted lips, and a voluptuous curvy body ;  she possessed it all that made her the enchanting goddess she looked like. B-"

"Whoa! Just the imagination of her turns me on."

"You're disgusting. Shut up and let him finish."

" as I was saying. She was indeed gorgeous, but..a bitch. Taking advantage of her husband's job, which made him stay away from home for long, she used to have several affairs with people nearby and far off. All of this kept under shade from her husband. Although neighbors often complained about random men getting in in but he loved and trusted his wife too much to believe them.
One night, his husband got a leave. He decided to give her a surprise and not inform of his arrival. He quietly entered through the gate since it was unlocked. He made his way towards the bedroom, and as he opened the door he saw.... "

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