Chapter 15-Ambitions

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Yoongi was getting more and more nervous for the sudden upcoming parent-teacher meeting.

Of course, he had attended them as a student and got a nice lecture at home after it but as a teacher.......he just doesn't know.

Okay Okay. I just have talk casually about the kids to their parents. Just give them an account of their children's performance and behavior in class. no need to worry Min Yoongi.....It will be a real piece of cake, right ? It should be.

It was evening now and Yoongi was currently in his living room drinking a cup of hot milk tea while dipping and munching biscuits when all his tension flashed up in his mind. Thinking about why it all had to be so sudden.

Never mind. I feel like I should get some fresh air

After finishing his tea and biscuits Yoongi put on a black hoodie over his plain white T-shirt matching with his black jeans. Putting on some white sneakers, he goes out the main gate for a walk.

Yoongi lived in the central area of the city. Surrounding his neighbourhood were various malls, restaurants, clubs, company buildings, shopping centers, arcades and all sorts of attractions of Seoul.

The busy streets were wide and mostly crowded

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The busy streets were wide and mostly crowded. Filled with chitter-chatters and sounds of walking, talking and stuff.


Yoongi was mostly glancing at all the products displayed through the transparent glass of the stores.
(Is it called window shopping ?)

"Teacher Min ?" All of a sudden a voice calls out to him.

Yoongi turns around to come in view with---

"Taehyung ? What are you doing here ?" Yoongi was bit startled to suddenly see him, but meeting a person you know in a crowdy area isn't uncommon

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"Taehyung ? What are you doing here ?" Yoongi was bit startled to suddenly see him, but meeting a person you know in a crowdy area isn't uncommon.

"Eomma sent me to buy some vegetables for dinner."
Taehyung replied pointing towards the grocery bag he was holding in his left hand. He was smiling widely.

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