Chapter 2 : the bacholer party

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Jonah awoke to the sound of the birds outside his window , he took a deep breathe and starred at the view.
Today was his bachelor's party , he turned over to look at Amy who was still fast asleep , he softly kissed her forehead, being careful not to wake her. Then quietly slid out of bed , grabbed the pile of clothes he had picked out and headed into the bathroom. He got dressed and soon after slathered a thick coating of gel onto his , already quite greasy hair and combed it into his preferred position.

Garrett and Mateo were sat outside in Jonahs car , waiting for him. He finally opened the car door and clambered into the passengers seat 'what took you so long?' Said Garrett in a sarcastic tone.
'Even longer than lady gagas golden globes dress' replied Mateo.
'I was just , doing my hair.' He said.
Garrett and Mateo both let out a small laugh and they drove off to begin the day.
Jonah didn't know where they were headed but it became slightly more obvious as he saw the Forrest in front of them. They pulled in to a small cabin , it had a very rustic feel which Jonah loved , a few of his other friends were stood outside as well , ready and excited to join them.

They carried their bags out the car and chucked them into the building , the first activity was archery.
As suspected , Jonah was awful , he got closer to hitting himself than the target , and managed to make the arrow fly behind him on many occasions.

They went into the cabin to take a break and grab a snack. Jonah noticed some brownies on the table. He grabbed one and took a bite , as soon as it hit his tongue, something tasted off.
'Guys what's wrong with these brownies?' He questioned as he passed small pieces around. He soon found the answer when he turned the plate to face towards him and saw a sign:
Shit , he thought , he had just taken a bite of a weed brownie. Well , this was going to be an interesting day. He began frantically searching the effects of the drug and when he would begin to feel it , 'an hour' it said on one website and so he decided to trust that.
He told everyone what had happened and they all reacted rather well , most of them just laughed and wondered who would waste their weed on someone else.

The next activity on the timetable was paddle boarding.

'Come on guys' shouted Garrett 'we need to walk to the lake , it'll only take like 20 minutes' spoiler alert , it did not.
It had been about half an hour since they ate the brownies and nothing too noticeable had effected any of them thus far , well that was until Jonah started to feel the noises around him getting increasingly louder.
Garrett said something to him but he couldn't concentrate on the words fumbling out of his
mouth ,
'It's way this and come to left way lake so'
Is how it sounded to him. Soon after , everyone began feeling strange, all in a slightly different respect tho.

Mateo became super calm which was very out of character , Jonah couldn't really understand what he was saying besides the occasional word like 'peace' or 'vibe' which he found odd.

Garrett was supposed to be reading the map but instead he had put it down somewhere and decided to 'go where his mind took him' whatever that meant.

So , this led to the 6 men , no boys , being lost in the middle of a forest. It wasn't too big of a forest no but , to Jonah , it felt endless , every time they seemed to be heading in the right direction, they turned and found more and more trees.
There was little to no reception in the woods , and so they had no one to call or message.
Jonah heard a sound coming from one of the bushes , he called everyone
They all sprinted ( besides Garrett who rolled) around the forest , Jonah put one foot down and tripped on a big log . In the middle of the path , as he fell , he felt his shirt slowly start to rip on a small branch  , he hit the floor with a hard thump and sat there for a minute. When he got his balance once again , Marcus helped him up off of the floor and battered him down. His hair was a mess and he had dirt smeared across his face.

The effects of the weed slowly wore off and they eventually found their way back to the cabin , Jonah had one Miss call from the police station? As he read the notification his heart began pumping faster and faster , what had happened ? His mind went straight to Amy , was she ok ? He rang them back.
'Hi ?' He said with a frail voice.
'Hello mr Simms , you need to come and bail out your fiancé and her friend' Jonah had a puzzled look on his face.
'Erm , are you sure you've got the right number ?'
'You are Amy sosa's partner aren't you?' Replied the police officer.
'Erm yes , what's she done?'
'All will be explained when you arrive.'

Jonah didn't know wether to feel better or worse about his fiancé not having been harmed but being the criminal herself ?

Luckily, he was feeling completely himself again and so he was able to drive to the station and he did. He arrived and found Amy and Dina , sat in a jail cell. 'What happened to you?' Said Amy.
'Ill explain later , I could ask you the same question.' He then answered , grinning at his own sort of joke.

Jonah bailed them both out and they headed home , after a long day.

They entered and slowly crawled up the stairs and into bed , Amy was still a bit tippsy from the vast amount of alcohol she had consumed earlier on and her head was starting to hurt. They sat in bed and Jonah turned to Amy  , he could see the discomfort in her face.
'I'll be back' he said.
He returned into the room with a big glass of water , 'drink this'
He shimmied back in bed and put his arm around her. Amy nestled her head into the crook of his arm 'I love you' she said , in a soft tone she rarely used.
'I love you too' Jonah replied back.
And with that , they turned on the tv , Jonah watched as Amy's eyes shut and sunk into a deep sleep , after which he turned off the light and followed her lead , letting the night take him.

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