Name: James Harris
Age: 56
Original Faction: Erudite
Ranking during initiation: first
Specialty: Intelligence and Espionage
Personality: doesn't give a shit, thinks dauntless isn't what it used to be, quiet, tough, smart
Fears: Killing children, books burning, war, unnecessary death, guilt
Relationships with other characters:
Carter- thinks she's amazing, he sees greatness and she's like what dauntless was. They're acquaintances
Eric- hate eachother
Thomas- enjoys his company
Harry- thinks he makes a great leader
Andrew- thinks he's annoying but he has him moments
Four- hates four for not jointing leadership
Dauntless Queen~ A Divergent Eric Love story
Teen FictionCarter Matthews is a Dauntless Queen. She's the perfect warrior. She's beautiful She's smart She's brave She's the daughter of Jeanine Matthews -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-