• Chapter 27 - Maybe •

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~ Time skip - Two weeks later ~

"It could've gone worse," they say.
"It's not that bad," They nag.
"Stop wining!" They wine!!

Oh? I'm sorry. How am I supposed to feel when i miss the deadline again. I had the opportunity. It was right in front of me! But no. That dumb little girl got in the way. And those sad sacks of wanna be heroes didn't help either.

~ Flash back - A day ago~

I was forced to participate in the Overhaul attack. I was forced to work under Night-eye, bitch mights old sidekick. I was forced to do so many things. How? How did one plan to get information from U.A fuck me over this badly?

I could feel the wind through my hair as I piggybacked the little girl. Every bone aching, breaking and being reversed back into its original state. The cycle continued like a never ending roller coaster. I can feel one for all one hundred percent coursing through my veins. I continuously beat Overhaul, dodging attacks sent my way and readjusting my grip on the girl as her quirk runs rampage.

When will this mother fucker just drop dead—

One more kick. And he did drop dead! Kinda. Great luck am I right? Wrong. He didn't die, but is majorly injured. I fall back to the ground, as eraser head quickly disables her quirk.

In the distance I see Dabi with everyone else, a part from Denki. Kurogiri opens up a warp portal as Dabi calls me over.

Home! Finally! I can sit down and relax! Have a drink maybe!! Laugh again! Oh I miss laughter so much! This nightmare can finally be over and done with! Home. Home.......     Home.

Without warning I start dashing towards them, the biggest grin plastered onto my face as I watch them cheer me on.

But in the blink of an eye I was surrounded by the wanna be heroes.

"Good job deku!" Uraraka cheers.

"That was so manly of you dude!" Kirishima praises.

I move my head side to side. Tip toes up. And then back down on my heels. I can only catch glimpses of the League now. Grin quickly morphing into a frown. I want out!

I try my best to push past them but it was as if they're a reinforced wall!

I don't want to be praised for this! Why won't they go away?!

And just as soon as the opportunity came, it left. The heroes spots the League and they're forced to retreat back home. Without me. I just watch solemnly and sombrely as Dabi waves his final goodbyes. Any trace of a smile. Gone.

Instead of a nice time with the league, I'm greeted by a shock to the neck. It doesn't faze me anymore as I make my way to eraser head. Head bowed. Shame and misery lingering in my every step.

~ Flash Back - End ~

Maybe if I hadn't been so reckless. Maybe if I hadn't been so careless. Maybe if I hadn't saved the girl. Maybe if I had ran a little faster. Or was strong enough to push past the wanna be's. Or just stuck with Dabi. If I had just done the right thing and choose the right course of action.

Maybe I would be happy at home.


Hi! Have a short chapter of pain!

As per usual please tell me if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes.


~ 576 words ~

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