• Chapter 2 - It's Finalised•

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"Make me," I said with a smirk growing on my face. Lie detector just sighed and looked at the others "Don't look at us!" Toga said " We call him deku!". "Please just tell us, don't make things so difficult," The lie detector tried again. I just looked up at all might "If you really wanna know ask him," I said nodding towards him. Everyone looked at him confused, even all might himself was confused. All might was taken out of the room for unknown reasons while the lie detector continued reading out my file. " he's thought to be with the league of villains but even if he is his role is unknown. he's 16 years old. His quirk is also unknown. And his kill count is zero people. So many gaps, so let's try again. What's your name? Are you involved with the league of villains, if so what's your role and what quirk do you have? And did I get anything wrong?" He asked as all might walked back in who seemed to be thinking very hard. " Well two of these questions you're asking the wrong person. I literally just said bitch-might can tell you my name, handyman over there can tell you my role in the league and these" I lifted up my hands to reveal the anti-quirk cuffs I was wearing "are useless for me," Lie detector raised his eyebrow "why do you say that?" He asked, curiosity filling his words. " Well who said I even had a quirk?" I returned the question and as soon as I did all might's eyes widened as he gasped "YOUNG MIDORIYA?!". Finally, It took him a while to catch on. I turned my head and faked a smile "Yes, bitch-might?" I said. "Ohhh this just got interesting!!" Toga exclaimed "Where's the popcorn when I need it?" Dabi grumbled. "It can't be you... is it?" He asked "All might, so you know his full name?" Lie detector asked "Izuku Midoriya," he said still trying to recover from the shock. Lie detector started scribbling down on my file and gestured to Shigaraki "what's his role in the league?" He demanded this time more than asked. " He's my best hacker," Shigaraki said just giving in and couldn't be bothered covering anything up. "Oh and by the way, my kill count is 90 not 0," I said pretending it was nothing. "90?! That can't be right!" Toilet paper exclaimed "Sadly, he's telling the truth," Lie detector said while looking down at his paper. I looked over at Toga, Dabi and Shigaraki and noticed how tired and worn out they looked. " Look it's been a long day, are we staying here for the night or what? Because we need a nap," I explained while Toga, Dabi and Shigaraki nodded "Take them to there cell for the night" Lie detector gestured to a group of cops and they took us away and into our cell.

"Goodnight," the cops said to us about to leave "Uhh can you take these off just while we're sleeping, they're just a little bit uncomfortable," Toga said "sorry no can do" A cop said as they walked out and Toga pouted. We all snuggled up together on the one bed they gave us. I pretended to fall asleep while the others actually slept. I couldn't sleep there were to many thoughts in my head like what will happen to us? Will we be split up even more than we are? How can we get out of here? How's everyone at home? What if they plan to hurt us? I also knew I had to stay up to guard them while they sleep.

I had been lying there for awhile when I heard the door open and slam shut making a very loud noise in the doing. Shigaraki flinched from the noise but luckily he went back to sleep. Lie detector came in to view and was getting out his keys making a lot of noise again. I put my fingers to my lips and gestured to the others telling him to be quite because they were still sleeping. He just shrugged and put his hand out telling me to come with him. I was hesitant at first but decided I needed to stretch my legs anyway and followed him back to the interrogation room. "So why am I here so late at night?" I asked
"Look, I don't want to but you kids in prison but I can't exactly release you either so if you have any other ideas on what to do with you speak up now," it took me a second to register what he was saying.
"What about rehabilitation," I said
"I said what about putting us into some sort of rehab,"
"Out of anything you could have suggested, that?"
"Look I don't like it either but it would benefit the both of us,"
"and where would we put you into rehab were we know for certain you won't escape,"
"Hmmmmm," It took me a second to think about it. "What about UA?"
"As in the hero school?"
"No the flying school- of course the hero school!"
"There you would know we can't escape because of the heroes around us but also we can't be harmed ourselves. Plus we would be able to still learn and train, maybe not in the way we would prefer it but it's training and hopefully we would have some sort of freedom,"
"Hmm that actually might work," he said he got up and left the room to make a phone call, "Okay Nezu should be coming soon," he said "Nezu?" I said and raised an eyebrow.

20 minutes later a rat came in and sat down next to lie detector "Hi Midoriya, I'm Nezu, Principal of UA, I'm here to discuss a possible rehabilitation there," he said with a smile. How could I forget?! Nezu is the principal of UA his quirk let's him be smarter than most humans and he used to be tested in in a lab!

After a while of negotiating it was finally decided "Okay then it's finalised,  Izuku Midoriya and his fellow villain companions will be attending UA for a villain rehabilitation program," Nezu announced while signing the last piece of paper.

This is was perfect, absolutely perfect and for once I don't mean that in a sarcastic way. Why? Because they had just fallen right into my plan!
Sorry about leaving you on a cliff hanger. I'm also sorry that there not at UA yet but next chapter they definitely will be! And if there's any spelling errors or grammar errors I'm sorry about that too...
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