• Chapter 14 - Deals •

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Deku Pov

"What's up with him?" I say as he storms off.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a wuss that's all," Dabi shrugged.

"Maybe we should check up on him... just in case," Mina suggested worry slipping into her voice.

"He's a Todoroki their all just like that," Shigaraki stated, as we all tried not to laugh ... well, expect for Denki who was now on the ground and Dabi who looked seriously offended.

It was late at night as I sneaked out of the dorms. I went to check the perimeter of U.A to see if there are any weak spots in the system, but so far none. It was forest like areas, big ass walls and a entry arch loaded with the latest security tech. Maybe I could hack into that? As my fingers trailed the walls in the forest I heard voices.
"Hello Todoroki," someone said
"Hello-" another voice said
"We've talked about this Todoroki no name, Incase someone hears us,"
Todoroki? What the hell was he doing out here at this hour? I decided to try and get closer to hear them better. I started climbing up a tree, making my way tree to tree slowly towards them, making sure not to make too much noise. Wow my training really did pay off with everything.
"C'mon all might it's not like anyone is gonna be or hear us out here," Todoroki signalled to the forest around them. Bitch might?! What was he doing out here?!
"Still.. just incase, I can't have people knowing that the symbol of peace is out making sketchy deals with the number 2 heroes son, I would get knocked out of my place and your dad would kill you," Bitch  might explained. "Now what was so urgent you had to speak to me tonight," he asked clearly annoyed.
Deals with todoroki?! Put him out of his place! That's great! I search my pockets for my phone or recorder only to realise I had left both of them back in my dorm. I mentally face palmed myself. It had been a while since I had done field work, I was now used to being in my cosy room back at the bar typing away at my keyboard. Maybe training didn't pay off that much... oh well nothing I can do about it now.
"Deku isn't falling in love with me! Fix it! You said you could make it happen! Hurry up and do it!" Todoroki yelled out.

"Shhhh Todoroki. I told you I'll make it happen after you make him my successor, so until you do that no deku for you," Bitch might whisper yelled at him.

"Won't it be easier for me to get him to you after he falls in love with me? It would benefit both of us! He can be mine and stop hanging out with dumb Denki while you get your successor!" Todoroki was now also whisper yelling.

"Too bad for you! Life's harsh isn't it? Sometimes you just gotta take the hard way kid!"

"Why do you even want him as your successor, he's a fucking villain after all!"

"I could say the same to you! Why do you want him as your lover? He's a villain after all!" Bitch might mocked him. Todoroki now remained silent. Bitch might sighed "we're done for the night, get back to your dorm," he commanded. "Yes sir," Todoroki mumbled. "Plus Ultra?" Todoroki said in more of a question like way. "Just don't," Bitch glared at him as they split paths.
What the fuck did I just witness? I knew Todoroki loved me even though I liked Denki, but now bitch might too?! Why would he want me after saying I couldn't be a hero?! It doesn't add up! I climbed down from the tree I was in and dragged myself back to the dorms.

The sunlight shone in though my window as my eyes screamed in pain. I couldn't be bothered getting up to shut the window, so instead I tried to save my eyes with my laptop. Fail. I dropped my laptop onto my bed and the sunlight blinded me once again. I groggily got off my bed and shut the curtains. My mind was still racing from last night. Deals? Love? Successor? It was all too much. Did I get any sleep last night? No. Did I need to sleep? Probably, but I honestly couldn't care less right now.

I heard a knock on my door and went to get it only to find Denki. "Good morning Bun- AHHH!" He screamed out "What the hell happened to you?"

"I can tell you what didn't happen," I groaned


"10 points to Denki!"

"Yes!" He said In celebration as I just rolled my eyes. Then he started mimicking engine dude, wavering his arms back and forth "Now get into your probably school uniform bunny!"

"Do I haveeee tooo?" I wined

"Well I mean... unless you wanna skip school with me?" He asked

"I wish, but we can't," I frowned.

"Why can't we?"

"Well you would blow your cover and I would get electrocuted... again" I said pointing to my shock collar "it's not my fault we're stuck in the hell hole," I shrugged.

"Actually according to the others it is.."

"Shut up sparky" I grumbled. He chuckled a little as I slammed the door in his face.

I then proceeded to get changed and open the door again to see that  Denki waited for me like a patient puppy dog. "That wasn't very nice slamming the door in my face," he pouted. "Aww c'mon you big baby, we gotta get to school," I kissed his cheek and started to walk off. He stood their frozen blushing. I laughed "for someone who likes teasing me a lot you really can't handle when the feelings are returned, can you?" He instantly snapped out of his trance running up to me putting an arm around my shoulders. "Not my fault you're adorable," he said teasing me once again. I smiled "what am I gonna do with you?" I asked
"Kiss me?" He said hopeful
"In your dreams sparky, in your dreams," I said.

We were nearly at the main school building when I heard "YOUNG MIDORIYA! Wait up for me please!" From behind me. I froze in my place. "Bunny you okay?" Denki asked clearly concerned for me. I heard Bitch might walk up to me knock Denkis arm off me and up a hand on my shoulder. "Is it okay if I can talk to you in private for a minute young midoriya?" Bitch might asked.


Hear ya go! Another chapter! Sorry if I kept you waiting to long again. At least this time I didn't post next month! Anyway sorry for any spelling and grammar errors.

See ya next chapter!
~1144 words~

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