When All Bridges Broke Down At IJN Mikasa (Part 3) - Backstory (Part I)

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(As narrated by Rosé Park)

I was wondering what happened between these two as Jisoo-unnie hastily drove back to our home. Like, how did it came to such a point like this?

In which I remember, its roots were like, seven years ago...


The seven of us have known each other since our college days. Sana back then was a bubbly young woman, very approachable to most students, and is not hard to work with. Momo was an energetic athlete who later found interest in modern dance and soon dancing became her forte. Dahyun was a talented musician; she likes playing the piano a lot, often playing it for like an hour before stopping.

As for their love story, I mean complicated love story, all started when Sana talked to me in private in a coffee shop that we often visit after school.


"What is this that you want to talk to me about?" I asked her.

"Uhh, Rosé," Sana shyly replied to me, her fingers fighting like a kid.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about what you're gonna say to me," I replied.

"I-I have something to admit to you."

"Spill the tea, then."

"I... I like girls. A lot."

I nearly choked on the cake I was eating after hearing Sana's admission. "W-What? Maybe I didn't hear it properly, can you please repeat what you just said?"

"I said I like girls. Like, I have this strange attraction to every girl I see in school." Then Sana looked down on the table, embarrassed by her remark.

I just chuckled at her. "That's cute, but I also like girls too."

Sana rolled her eyes. "So you're saying you're---"

"Yeah dimwit, I'm a lesbian. Jisoo-unnie's my girlfriend y'know."

"But when you discovered that you like girls, how'd you cope with that?"

"Well, it was difficult for me at first and Jisoo-unnie, but we did take time before accepting our true identities. In time, you'll do so as well."

"So being a lesbian is alright for you?

"Yeah, as long as you embrace who you are."


"Oh, by the way, now that you're a confessed lesbian, so to whom are you attracted to? Or at least have a crush on?"

Sana couldn't answer my question. She seemed to be spacing out from me.

"Hoi, Sana," I called her, "ya okay?"

Sana snapped back into reality and she acted like she's lost in the true world. "Uhh, what's your question again?"

"I said if you have a crush on a girl or whatever," I repeated my question.

"Someone... who's very close to me... Someone... whom I think of as my sister..." Sana melodramatically answered.

I rubbed my eyes. Naturally, she's close with all six of us, so her answer only raised more questions.

"Very close to you? I mean, aren't we all that close to you? Duh, like we've been a squad since high school, what are you talking about?"

Sana ruffled her hair. "Aaaaah I don't have an inkling!" she whined. "My mind's still messed up now."

"Maybe you need to reflect on the matter," I advised her, "and eventually you'll be able to find out the answer to your question --- I mean, my question."

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