Pow pow pop"and don't come back" I say "well done agent T". Said my commander mr Watson. "Can I go to the ball now"I question "Yes agent t" said mr Watson as soon a s I get ready I hop on my horse rocky. I am 18 year old Tobias eaton undercover teenage spy. The spy agency took me from my father when I was young because he beat me. Mr Watson only agreed that I could go to the ball if I could find a teammate. So that's what I am doing. When I arrive at the ball and walk in I see the most beautiful thing ever a really good looking girl about maybe a few years younger than me.she has long blonde hair and blue gray eyes. I don't even know her yet and I have an urge to kiss her.so I do the closest thing I can think of I ask her to dance."will you take this dance"?i ask then she looks up and says "yes" soon we start dancing and talking ."What is your
name" I ask "Tris"she responds what's yours?"I am four"I say "four like the number?she asked "yes"I say then I leave and say "till next time "Page break😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Tris prov
I can't believe That just happend " all I can think about is four. Four what a mysterious name. I change into my pajamas a white silk nightgown.i quickly scrub all of my makeup off and hop into bed.as I shut off my light I hear something hit my window. I decide it was nothing so I close my eyes again .then I hear the sound again so I get up and go look out my window.and I see four standing there throwing rocks at my window. I open my window. "What are you doing here ? I ask " I couldn't fall asleep I kept thinking about you" he says I might be mistaken but I though I saw him blush but it might have been just a shadow. "Well do you want to come up" I ask "how" he questions oh my gosh he looks so cute when he is confused. Oh wait what am I thinking. I let down my secret ladder that I keep so that I can sneak away for a little brake. "So why did you come here "I ask "well I have to ask you something"he replies