Truth or dare

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Four prov
I quickly find a seat next to tris before someone else dose . Then the game begins . "i want to start I want to start"!yells Uriah " ok Chris truth or dare " "truth"says Chris " pansy-says Uriah but before he can get the word out Marleen covers his mouth. "fine " says a sulking Uriah "ok Chris who do you have a crush on?" Says Uriah " will "she whispers "what"! Says Uriah " will "she says a little louder and blushes and so dose will."ok tris c or d " umm d" "ok tris I dare you to go on the peace serum"says Chris "ok" says tris but before she can say anything else Uriah shoves the needle into her neck . then it happens tris gets up and comes over to me and says" four you have vary pretty eyes " she says trying to poke them " oh and I love your hair she says stroking my hair no doubt about it I like how it feels I just want tris to be present while she's doing it. then she starts to laugh uncontrollably " four stop making me laugh . " Guys how much did you give her" I ask "well" says Uriah " Uriah "I yell "how much". " the normal for her age" says Uriah " but she's so small"i say we are going home I say" come on tris" but she doesn't come so I have to pick her up and carry her "put-me down "she screams
Not until we get you home .

Tris prov
All of us sudden Uriah shoves a needle into my neck. then I get this tingle feeling and a giggle starts to bubble up inside of me. I quickly run over to four and sit on his lap and say "you have pretty eyes "trying to poke them "I love your hair I say stroking it. then i start to laugh uncontrollably f f four stop making me laugh" then four yells something and turns around and picks me up put me down I scream then as we reach the door I feel dizzy and everything goes black.
😄😄😄😄Time skip😄😄😄😄
I wake up trying to remember what happened last night with my head aching a little bit. I then I remember the truth or dare. I quickly realize what happened and me telling four that he has pretty hair and eyes. oh no what if he found out I like him and he doesn't like me back I glance at the clock and see that the time is 11:30 am and jump out of bed . I quickly throw on a red tank with a black leather jacket and jeans and pull my long blond hair into a messy bun. then I set off to fix things with four.

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