A few days later
Tris provThe mission with Sam went well so well he asked me out I still have not responded. I kind of like four but I am not sure if he likes me back . So I think I will text sam and tell him I will go on that date. I pick up my phone to text him but just then my phone rings and its four. I answer the phone.
" hello" I say
" hey tris" says four
" what's up " I ask
" nothing much I was just wondering how the mission was going" he replies
" well the mission is going good me and Sam think we might have some leads on where the thief is planning the next heist." I finish explaining.
" good because I am coming there in a few days to help you out with your mission" says four
" cool" I say
" well I gotta go" said four
" talk to you later" I say
" bye" he says and hangs up.
Oh no four and Sam in the same place and one of me one can only hope everything goes alright.
Four prov
After I had hung up the phone from talking to tris I started to pack. This will be fun I might tell tris I like her and Sam won't stand a chance. I finished packing and decide it's time to go to bed because I have to get up early for my flight out. I drift off to sleep thinking about tris.