Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three.


They spent the rest of the day at the isolated beach, doing what ever they could; swim, sun bathe, relax and more. Once, the sun had set, and the moon was there new light source, they had gone out of the water. The cold air was making Joseph, Una and Michie shiver, but it had absolutely no effect on Lyddie and Niall.

When the cold was unbearable to both humans and elf, they gathered some twigs and leaves, deciding to make a camp fire. It was a good thing Una had thoughtfully brought the lighter they owned, so it was easier. They formed a circle, sorrounding the colorful flame of orange and blue, when and Idea popped into Michie's head.

She smiled brightly, “Let’s play truth or dare!”

Everyone but Una looked at her with puzzled looks. "What's that?" Lyddie asked. "You guys don't know Truth or Dare?" Michie asked surprised. They all shook their heads.

"It's a game. I pick a person, for example Una and she has to choose between truth and dare." Michie said looking at Una with raised eyebrows. "Dare." Una said and smiled. "Since she picked dare I get to dare her to do whatever I wanto to. If she would of picked truth I would of asked her any question possible and she would have to answer truthfuly. Understood?" She asked and looked around. Everyone nodded. "And now, onto the dare." she smirked and clapped her hands.

 It was silent as Michie continued to think of a good dare, something not too easy and not too hard. "I dare you to... sit on Niall's lap for the rest of the game." She says with a smirk, Una looked at her with wide eyes, she started to protest but Michie cuts her off, "You picked dare, no back out!" Una groaned, but obliged, she walked to Niall who's cheeks were red and sat on his lap. Everyone laughed when both of them turned bright red.

 "It's your turn to chose Una!"

Una looked around the circle deep in thought. "Lyddie, truth or dare?" Una asked with a grin. "Truth." Lyddie replied. "You're such a chicken." Una teased and rolled her eyes.

"Do you have crush?" Una asked interested. Lyddie looked down her cheeks red. "Yes." she whispered. "Who?" Una and Michie yelled at the same time.

"Hey! I already answered your question, now it’s my turn!" Lyddie laughed. Una and Michie groaned but laughed afterwards too.

"I chose... Joseph. Truth or Dare?" Lyddie asked, she was smirking, obviously having an idea. "Dare." Was Joey's answer, oblivious to Lyddie's plan.

"I dare you... to kiss Niall!" Lyddie said and started laughing hestrically, she clutched her stomach as Una and Michie both burst out laughing. Niall glared at his best friend, "I back out!" Joey yelled, rapidly shaking his head. Michie waved her index finger left to right, still laughing.

"No backing out!" She exclaimed, Joseph groaned and looked at Niall whom was beside him. Both have the look of agony in their face. "Do it or we'll add more dares!" Lyddie exclaimed, inbetween fits of laughter.

Joseph started leaning in as slowly as he could, his face etched with disgust. Niall just sat there with Una on his lap, looking at Joey disgust written all over his face, too. Their lips were almost touching now. Joey quickly pecked Niall's lips, got up and started spitting and slapping his mouth with his hand. Niall was sat there making gagging noises. The girls were in fits of laughter.

"I'm never doing that again." Jo yelled. Una laughed. "It's okay. At least you get to pick now."

"Awww. I wanted to see a full make-out session!" Lyddie whined, both Niall and Joey looked at her, "NO!" They yell in unison making the girls laugh even harder if it's possible. The three already clutched their hurting stomachs. "Okay! Let's get this over with, Michie I pick you!" Joey said, shaking a little still grossed out by the thought of making out with Niall.

"I pick truth!" Michie chirped happily, she was playing safe. Joseph groaned, he hoped she would pick dare, "Okay... Have you ever thought of sexual fantasies with your sister?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips. Michie smiled at him.

"Yes, I have." She says, and everyone looked at her as if she was an alien, I mean who wouldn’t? "I mean, who thinks of sexual fantasies with their sister! I’m not the incest type guys!" She yells, her cheeks were red. Everyone, especially Una, sighed in relief and started laughing again.

The night continued on, they were all happily talking to each other. Who knew, creatures that killed the human race would be friends with the possibly only two living human?

Mega sorry for not updating in TWO MONTHS! It's just that me and Una are really busy and she had been grounded at some point for a very long time. This is really short, and we're going to try and get back on track. And, it's a month till I finally get out of school so I most likely be the one who's going to write a lot. And, I promise you guys I have loads of ideas for this story, and btw me and Una write together not like I write the first chap and she writes the second, it's fun writing together HHAHAH. Okay, rambling! Bye! -M

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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