Mermaids of the Mother Continent

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Picture is from the 'Cave of Swimmers', a cave with ancient rock art in the mountainous Gilf Kebir plateau of the Libyan Desert section of the Sahara.It is located in the New Valley Governorate of southwest Egypt, near the border with Libya

"Mermaids are not a recent phenomenon in African history. For example, according to the Dogon's creation myth, they attribute the creation of the world to mermaid/mermen-like creatures whom they call Nommos. They claimed to have known about the existence of these mermaid-like divinities for more than 4000 years."

"Mermaid/mermen "nymphs" worshiped as goddesses and gods born from the sea are numerous in ancient African cultures history and spiritual mythology. Most were honored and respected as being "bringers of divine law" and for establishing the theological, moral, social, political, economic and, cultural foundation, to regulating the overflow of the Nile, and regulating the ecology i.e., establishing days for success at sailing and fishing, hunting, planting, etc., to punishment by devastating floods when laws and taboos were violated."


I had no idea Africa had this type of history or mythology!

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