The inevitavle flashback chapter (one of many)

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Middle school was the peak, and as far as most people know, the end of  Izuku Midoriya's life, and it would have been, if he had had his way. However fate was not so kind to this young boy as to grant him respite in the hollow embrace of death, instead forcing him to live on in the cruel reality he so hated.

This young boy's twisted heart yearned for one thing, and one thing only:


You see, Young Mr. Midoriya was, to put it simply, insane.

His obsession with Katsuki had always been evident, but when they were younger everyone thought he simply admired him. After all, he had a incredible quirk and all the neighbor hood kids followed him around.

Izuku however, was the opposite. Not only was he relatively untalented in general, something for which he was teased mercilessly, but when it was announced that he was quirkless, the bullies, Katsuki himself included, became bolder and began to trip and push Izuku. These small acts of violence soon escalated into full on beatings, usually preformed by the group of degenerates' de facto leader, who by then was referred to mainly as Bakugou.

Unfortunately for everyone, the bullies were oblivious to a very important piece of information.

They might have stopped their tormenting had they been made aware of the fact that Izuku Midoriya, was a masochist.

Izuku went through years and years of insults, injuries and humiliation by Katsuki's hand, but instead of resenting and hating him for it, Izuku fell in love with Katsuki. It was a sick and twisted love to be sure, but love nonetheless, and it was all Izuku knew.

. . .

"Common, just because Bakugou isn't here doesn't mean we cant sill have some fun." A bully with a buzz cut who Izuku didn't care about said, cracking his knuckles.

The boys, all taller and bigger than Izuku had backed him into a dead ended alleyway. It was the same place the group of degenerates usually cornered him and watched Izuku be insulted, beaten, and humiliated by Bakugou, laughing all the while.

"Where's Kacchan?" Izuku growled, glaring at the group of not-Katsuki's

"Aw, is the little Deku scared that were gonna hurt him? Your not used to multiple guys going at you, are you?"

Izuku smirked, fire in his eyes. "If he's not here, then I'm sorry to spoil your fun, but I'm afraid I'm not in the mood today."

The Bullies burst out in laughter, thinking it ridiculous that Izuku thought he had a choice in getting beat up.

"Well that's really is too bad " Buzz cut said, smirking malevolently. "'Cause I'm ready for some ACTION!!"
The group of boys charged towards Izuku, grinning wickedly, fists at the ready.

When the first assailant reached Izuku, his fist aimed straight for Izuku's nose, Izuku grabbed his arm and broke it without hesitation. Before they could react, Izuku attacked the next two adversaries, elbowing one in the nose, effectively shattering the bone, and cracking the other's ribs with an expert kick to his torso.

The rest of the would be attackers stopped, frozen in their tracks. They stared at Izuku, their voices caught in their throats and beads of perspiration beginning to appear on their faces. Izuku grinned maliciously, as the bullies had only moment ago.

One of the ruffians at the rear of the posse, a lanky boy with greasy hair and an ugly rat-like face, turned to run but Izuku stoped him dead in his tracks.

"Oh, no! You can't leave yet! I was just starting!" Izuku said in a fake pouty voice, still smiling wide. "Oh well, I guess you can go if you really want but..." Izuku trailed off, enjoy the way the group of degenerates squirmed. "Oh right! If any of you tell anyone about this, especially Kacchan, I wont have any choice but to rip out all of your tongues!" He said in a menacing but still somehow cheerful tone.

The posse didn't hesitate, scooping up their injured comrades and sprinting as fast as they could away from Izuku. He found this hilarious and started laughing, clutching his stomach and doubling over with giggles.

. . .

Bakugou was more frustrated than usual that day.
His lackeys had abandoned him ,for no reason that he could think of, refusing to even speak to him. And that was just one of the things making him angry. He couldn't quite place most of them, which only served to make him more frustrated.

He was alone with Deku now, holding him against a wall by the collar of his school uniform.

"You know, I've been waiting for this for a while now, for the two of us to be alone." The sound of his voice, sweet and melodic, surprised Katsuki, but he didn't loosen his grip.

"What the hell do you mean, you stupid swine. Has you're minuscule brain finally decided you're not worth its effort and left?" Bakugou snarled.

Izuku lifted his face and his eyes met Bakugou's. Katsuki gasped involuntary and dropped Deku unceremoniously to the concrete.

He was...


Not only that but his cheeks were unmistakably tinted rose,and his eyes glimmers with...excitement?

"W-what the hell!?!" Katsuki yelled

"Silly Kacchan~" Deku cooed "You can't drop me yet, you still need to punish me for being a dumb big, remember?"

Izuku nudged closer to Bakugou and Katsuki took a step back. Deku's face fell.

"What's wrong? Are you sick or something?" Deku asked with a worried frown, cocking his head to the side.

"You-YOU'RE THE ONES WHO'S ACTING SICK!" Bakugou shouted, still not comprehending the situation.

At the shouted insult, Deku's eyes lit up and his lips turned back up into a smile, making Katsuki recoil.

"" Katsuki stuttered for a moment, and then realization hit him.

"W-what? N-n-n-no... your Deku! Useless, worthless... smart... kind.... Your Deku dammit!!!"

" Are those the things you hate so much about me? The things that make you want to bring me pain? The things that make you merciless towards me? That makes you not another one of the cowards who are too afraid of consequences to be as brutal and relentless as you? You really hate me, don't you? That's what makes you perfect" deku giggled, lifting his hand to partially cover his face which was a pink blushing mess.

The sight of his face, with such a tender ,almost euphoric, expression, made Katsuki back away, stumbling into the wall, gut twisting with a sickening feeling.

" You know, love and hatred are so often portrayed as two things that directly oppose each other, but. Don't think they're all that different, wouldn't you agree? After all, they're both such strong emotions, and they both hurt you like nothing else ever could!" Deku exclaimed, grinning wide, his eyes manic.

Katsuki was speechless, paralyzed in utter and completely fear. Fear of the boy in front of him of course, but mostly fear of himself. To know he was the cause of something so sick and twisted, and to know that he himself was even worse than his monster because he was completely at fault for completely and utterly ruining this sweet, young boy. He deserved so much more than to be reduced to this, a beaten dog who still loved his master because the pain was all he knew.

"No..." Bakugou murmured, the word, barely a whisper on his lips. " no,no,no NO!"

Then he ran.

He ran until the sun's light barely shone in delicate rays over the city, his lungs burning. His legs collapsed beneath him and Katsuki fell to his knees yelling, clutching tightly to his head as the realization of what he had done hit him full force. A torrent of emotion overwhelmed him and he let out a primal scream. One thought kept repeating itself over and over again in his head.

"If Izuku is insane, what does that make me?"

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