Ice Creme Anyone?

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"Bakugou's actually a huge softie" Kaminari said matter-of-fact-ly

" I am not! Just because I tolerate you idiots doesn't mean I'm soft" Katsuki exclaimed indignantly.

"That's not what you said last night" Kaminari glared at Bakugou, crossing his arms and jutting his hip out to one side.

"Oooohhhh" the class, who had been listening the whole time, said in perfect unison, which would have been creepy but no one was paying attention. They were all to focused on the possibility that Kaminari had just exposed Bakugou and himself.

"I didn't mean it like that.." Kaminari said wide eyed at the realization of what he had just said,and rushing to correct himself.

"Than what did you mean Kaminari?" Mina asked, raising one of her perfect pink eyebrows in playful scepticism.

"I mean that thing he said last night to all of us, about feeling safe and being there for each other!" Kaminari snapped back.

"Awwww" the class gushed,once again in perfect unison.

Bakugou bit back a growl, clenching his teeth, and blushing profusely (like the big softie he is)

Bakugou was saved from further humiliation when the dismissal bell rang and the students gathered their belongings, as well as their still sleeping teacher, and headed back to the dorm.
"Hey Bakubro,could you give me a hand with Aizawa?" Kirishima asked, already holding the bottom end of the huge yellow caterpillar that was their homeroom teacher.
"Get four eyes to help you, I've gotta be somewhere." Bakugou said gesturing to Iida, who was currently talking with Uraraka, as he hoisted his bag onto his back.
"Oh, where you headed?" Kirishima asked setting Aizawa's legs down.
"None of your business, Kiri." Bakugou said, using the name he only called Kirishima when they were alone so that he knew he wasn't trying to be rude.
"Oh, alright." Kirishima said, taking it in stride. "See you later?"
"Yeah." Katsuki replied with a small smile.

Katsuki walked to the train station and made his way downtown where his destination was.

His therapist's office.

.          .          .

After placing Aizawa in his room, Ejiro stepped into the common room to see Mina and Denki sitting on the couch, looking incredibly bored. When he saw Eijiro, Denki's face instantly lit up.
"Hey! You wanna go get ice cream with us? "

.         .          .

After what had happened in middle school, Katsuki's mother had sighed him up for therapy and Katsuki hadn't put up a fight. At first he'd simply wanted someone to tell him how horrible he was, and how he was un-saveable, but his therapist, Dr. Sukui, helped him realize that he wanted to make people feel good, and that what he had done to Izuku was a result of his own anger and feelings of unworthiness. Of course that in no way justifies his actions, but he was doing his best to make the people around him feel safe and important, and that made him feel as though maybe he still deserved a place on this earth.

"So,Katsuki, how have things been at school? With your friends?" Sukui asked glancing up from his notepad.
"Everything's fine. I feel like we're really starting to trust each other." Katsuki replied as he always did, calm and composed.

"Uh-hum, and have you told them about what happened in middle school yet?" He said,not breaking eye contact.
The question took Katsuki off guard. He hadn't even told Dr. Sukui all the details of his middle school terrors.

"No, I haven't" Katsuki answered, his voice wavering against his will.

"Ah, I see. So you've created a bond of trust with your peers, but still haven't told them a major detail of your life. Those two things contradict each other. If you want to be truly close to these people you're going to have to be willing to open up to them, even if it's just a bit."

Sukui's statement struck something inside Katsuki. Was he right? Was not telling his friends who he was before a betrayal of their trust?

Before he could say anything else Sukui announced that their time was up, and that it was time to go, leaving Katsuki with an entire mental crisis to deal with by himself for two weeks. ( A pretty dick move for a therapist if you ask me)

.          .          .

Ashido, Kirishima and Kaminari were walking downtown, ice cream in hand, when they saw Bakugou exit a very large building. Naturally, they called out to him.

Bakugou froze, as though he had been caught doing unspeakable acts against humanity, and the trio soon realized why.
Kirishima and Mina didn't say anything, but Kaminari wasn't so tactful.

"So, Bakugou, what do you go to therapy for?" The electric blonde said as if he were asking about homework, or something equally as unimportant.

"KAMI!!" Mina and Kirishima exclaimed in unison.

"What?! I was just curious! Safe space right?"

"It's fine Kaminari." Bakugou said with a sigh. "I go for my anger issues." It wasn't a complete lie.
"Oh" Kaminari said, almost sounding disappointed. " I go for anxiety." He added more brightly.

The two blondes walked ahead, making their way to the train station, leaving the two individuals with hair of the red variety behind with their bewilderment. Kirishima was the first to break the silence.

"Okay so let me get this straight, Kaminari and Bakugou both go to therapy, Denki has anxiety, and Bakugou has anger issues, and lest not ignore the fact that he called Kaminari bu his real name. Did we switch realities or something?"

"Seems like it." Mina replied.

"Cool." Kirishima said, following after his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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