Chapter 8: Superstar

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Finally :) - this was hard to write due to it being a heavily documented day so I was having trouble working around that. Which led to writers block.
Hope you all enjoy though.


We needed to be at Olympic Park by 12:30 pm so Ji could get ready for the first part of the unveiling at 2:00 pm. Neither of us were morning people so we set the alarms earlier than necessary to trick our brains so we could just remain laying in bed for a bit longer. "Good Morning Ji Yong." I say softly kissing him awake in the early morning light. "Today's the day, you ready?" "As ready as I am going to be." He replied kissing me back. We stayed entangled in each other's arms for a half hour before finally convincing ourselves it was time to get up. As we stood together at the bathroom vanity getting ready I glance over at him in the mirror and smile while I applied my lipstick. His quick smile back as he adjusted his hat and jacket sent shivers through my body. Ji Yong looked so handsome all in black. I, dressed in a black sweater and black skinny jeans, walk back into the bedroom to put on my nude short boots I have chosen to wear. Arising off the bed Ji Yong asked if I was ready to go which I responded with an enthusiastic yes pulling on my beige camel hair coat. Once at the stadium Ji Yong took the small bag of clothes he packed to change into later for the art performance in one hand and then took my hand in his other as we exited the car. I said hello to the people Ji Yong was talking to and waved to the others I had met yesterday. As soon as Ji Yong arrived everyone knew he was in charge. I quietly watched as he was giving out last minute instructions.

Soon it was just about 2:00 and we could see the large crowd gathering from the staging area. I had decided earlier that I was going to stay back and watch with a few members of staff from here. This as I explained to Ji Yong was not to draw attention to myself even though there are going to be about 20 others around him. Ji tried to convince me that it would be fine no one would suspect I was personally there with him. They'd assume I was a member of the team. Even though I could tell it made him a little upset I stuck with my decision and said, I'd just feel out of place being directly on the basketball court. Right before Ji Yong was preparing to walk out he gives me a quick kiss. I smile and say, "I can't wait to see their faces when you reveal the court. You're doing this city a wonderful service in the steps for revitalization of Olympic Park. I'll be right here when you get back." The crowd cheered once he came into view. I could feel his happiness radiate off of him. Watching him made me admire him even more. All he was doing was standing there and everyone was in awe of his presence. They took photos of him standing on the tarped area of the basketball court. I could not help but smirk when he tied the corner of the tarp to his shoe and hopped on one foot whilst dragging it away. Revealing the peaceminusone daisy logo. As the group and Ji Yong returned to the staging area after all the promotion photos were taken I could see he took the basketball and began dribbling it around. His poor security guard began running after him not knowing what he was going to do. I begin to chuckle at this man child I am in love with play with his ball.

Ji Yong's next event was going to be an interview before the live art show. The interview was not set to start until 5:30 so we had some time to relax backstage. Ji's friends and colleagues were arriving steadily expressing their congratulations and admiration. His sister and brother-in-law arrived, and we were all speaking together with our backs to the door. From behind us came "Ji Yong-ah!" Turning around we see standing in the doorway in her long gingham tan coat wearing her custom sneakers the beautiful Sandara Park. Ji Yong responded with an enthusiastic, "Noona!" Opening his arms to accept her hug. "만나서 정말 반갑습니다. I'm so happy to see you." Then in English he adds, "Let me introduce you to my special friend. Dara this is Y/N, Y/N this is my female best friend Sandara Park." I smile and bow as I extend my hand in Korean etiquette to shake hers, "Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. I've heard nothing but great things about you." Dara took my hand in hers and said, "likewise, Ji Yong-ah spoke very highly of you when I saw him earlier this week." The five of us remained chatting until Ji-Yong's manager came over giving him a five-minute warning. As the four of us exited to go take our spots in the audience we each wished him luck. I give him a quick kiss, "I'm so proud of you. I'll see you at the end."

I stood with Dara, Dami and her husband in a private sectioned off area for other celebrities. I was grateful I was with Dami, a person I knew, for I definitely felt out of my element on this side of the velvet rope. The crowd was cheering so loud it was as if we are at a concert and not an art exhibition. Finally, it was time, the interviewer and MC introduced Ji Yong. Bowing as he came into view and all the way to his seat as a sign of thanks to all in the audience. My Korean was not strong enough to understand all of what he was saying but my heart swelled with pride watching him. He spun, smiling and laughing, on the stool as he answered the questions; the joy he radiated was infectious. The forty-minute interview was over seemingly in an instant. Ji returned backstage to get ready for his performance at 7 which was in roughly 45 minutes.

Y/N 6:15 PM_ Even though I only understood about every other word that interview was great. LOL. Get ready and chill out until 7. I'm going to stay out here with Dami and Dara.

KJY 6:21 PM_ 😊🖤 haha thanks. Sounds good. I will see you later. ILY

Y/N 6:23 PM_ ILY2 Break a leg. 🥰😘

Dami asked about how my last two days have been since I last saw her. I was telling her how I spent my days while Ji worked when Dara returned from taking photos and joined the conversation. Dara said, "Y/N tell me a little about yourself. Ji Yong-ah did not say much except that he had met someone and that she was really sweet." Smiling at the thought of him talking about me to others I answer Dara, "... and after all that I'm only here on vacation until next Wednesday." The three of us were away from others and close together so even with the music blaring we did not have to yell to hear one another. A few other celebrities came over to see Dara whom I politely said hello too. While chatting one of Dara's colleagues asked nonchalantly how I knew Ji Yong, Dami immediately responded saying that I was a friend of hers who was in town visiting so she invited me to come with her. She quietly tapped my arm in understanding as we turned around back towards the stage.

The music playing faded out then after a moment of silence Superstar rang from the speakers. Out walks not Kwon Ji Yong but G-Dragon. Immediately he was in his element and just began to create live. He had mentioned to me earlier that while he was used to being on stage performing in front of a lot of people but that was with music; he was not sure if he could work on his art in front of everyone. This form of art is more personal to create even if others see it later. I assured him that he can do anything. The public will love it but zone them out in the beginning to ease himself into awareness of their existence if he needed to. Over the next two hours he fluidly moved as if dancing creating piece after piece. He was mesmerizing. As it ended while Ji Yong was saying goodbye to the audience our little group made our way to the back. He and everyone who was on stage with him came in exhausted but high on the adrenaline of what they just accomplished.

Eventually the high was wearing off and one by one people started to leave. Ji Yong had a car outside to take us home, but photographers and fans were still there hoping to get a glimpse of him. I could see him trying to figure out what to do in his mind. Before I could say something Dami said that she and Min Joon will take me home. They do not want to create a bigger media circus than what is already out there. Ji Yong looked in my direction to see if I was ok with this. Nodding in agreement I say, "Thank you guys for offering, I think that is a good idea. It'll be easier for everyone." Min Joon replied, "so it is settled. Dami and I are happy to bring Y/N home." The three of us left shortly after it was decided. Ji Yong said he will be home within the hour as he gave me the keys and a quick kiss goodbye.

Aye and I exited the bedroom where I had just finished getting ready for bed when Ji Yong texted saying to let him in. After settling in he goes, "I'm so sorry I couldn't take you home with me." "It's fine. Please do not dwell on it. We were both able to get out of there quickly. If we were together it would have taken longer and would have been unbearable." Changing the subject, I say, "tonight was incredible. You were spectacular and even that is not a big enough word to describe the amazingness that radiated from you." Yawning Ji Yong answered, "Thank you jagiya. Being on stage felt good." Before I could get out, "Goodnight handsome," he was already asleep. Kissing his cheek gently, smiling as I fell asleep.

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