Chapter 9: Angels

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The following day Ji Yong slept in as long as he needed. I puttered around the house until he eventually joined me in the living room around 1:30pm. "Hi handsome. Sleep well?" He nods as he kissed my cheek. "Glad to hear it. You needed the rest. Want me to go fix you something to eat?" "No thanks, not at the moment. I got myself something before coming in." Curled up on the couch, I snuggled into the crook of his arm, he is stroking my hair with one hand and holding his phone in the other. I ask, "what are you looking at? Anything interesting?" Leaning his head down to kiss the top of my head he replied, "in fact yes. I just booked the two of us a little getaway trip to Busan for the next two days. I remembered you mentioned you wanted to visit there." "Really?" I ask with a smile on my face rising to look at him. "I think I said it only once on like our first date. I am shocked that you remembered." Chuckling he answers, "yes, really. Don't sound so surprised memorizing things is kind of what I do for a living." He kisses me then continues, "The private jet is scheduled for wheels up at 6:30 so we should go pack. Though they can't leave without us."

By 6:15 Ji Yong and I were exiting the car on the tarmac at Gimpo Airport walking to the jet Ji Yong had rented for us to fly to Busan. If the past 10 days have not been dreamlike already this is taking the lead. Cruising at 30,000 feet I am sitting, in the softest leather seat that is so smooth it feels like butter, across from the man of my dreams. The flight is only an hour, so I was just going to read a chapter or two of one of the books I brought on my initial trip to read while traveling. As I began to read, I hear a clearing of a throat. Looking up I see Ji with puppy dog eyes staring at me then down to the table where he has set up a travel chess board. "Fancy a game?" "Ok, even though I'm not sure I'm prepared to lose again. Bring it on." I reply with a smile on my face as I put my book down. He was a very worthy opponent, but I finally won. "Checkmate!" Leaning across the table I give him a kiss saying, "good game." After landing the two of us head off to our hotel, Park Hyatt Busan, in the rental car awaiting us. Our room was one of the diplomat suites that overlooked the ocean. "Ji, this is beautiful. I'm excited to explore the city tomorrow." "Do you have an idea on where you would like to go tomorrow?" My forehead creased in the realization I had not looked anything up. "Actually no, I don't. I'm sorry I'm usually super prepared." "There is no need to apologize, this was an impulsive trip. We can look at places now over dinner."

As the two of us shared a club sandwich we reviewed the travel guides the hotel provided to us. "There is so much to do. I think it would be really cool to go to Geumjeongsanseong Fortress in the morning, don't you?" I ask as I move to the couch in front of the fire Ji turned on. Continuing, "Then on the way back we can possibly go shopping and we'll figure out dinner as it comes." Joining me by laying down and placing his head in my lap he responds, "Sounds like a plan to me." I begin to stroke his hair and ask, "is there anything you'd like to do?" With a sly smirk he says, "you." Leaning down and kissing his lips I whisper, "now that sounds like a plan."

The following Busan fall day was cool and crisp making it one of those perfect days to be outside. Ji Yong and I were walking along the south gate in comfortable silence. Looking out over the mountains towards the sea I said, "It is so serene up here. You wouldn't even believe that this was actually used during times of war and invasion." Pointing further up the mountain I continued, "I can see why the Buddhist monks built a temple in these hills. You definitely feel like you are the only one in the world." Ji solemnly replies, "you're right. It is peaceful to be away from everything and everyone. The noise of civilization just evaporates up here." After a moment of silence, I hesitated to speak and ask, "are you ok?" Realizing he had said his thoughts aloud he rushed to assure he was fine and happy. "Just wished someone would have told me all those years ago, it's lonely when you're famous. Not that I would have changed anything but before I met you, I was hoping for an angel and then you appeared." Intertwining my arm with his I rest my head on his shoulder I say, "I'm certainly not from heaven but I'm happy to bring a piece of it to you."

In the car, making our way back down the mountain towards our next stop of the day. Leaving behind the ancient and entering the modern I ask, "Ji, can I ask you a question?" "Of course." "Have you ever thought about acting? As we were walking around earlier, I kept imagining you as the brooding sexy male lead in a historical drama. It made me curious on your thoughts." "I'm not an actor, I wouldn't be good at it. Besides, it isn't something I'm really interested in." "I know that is not true. You are good at everything and anything you set your mind to. I think you'd be amazing; however, I get not being interested in acting. Just because you're an idol doesn't mean you need to do all entertainment." "Exactly, I'd rather be a master of one then a fool of many. However, I will never say I won't possibly do it in the future. Just not right now." He adds as he pulls into the parking plaza near the shopping area we were going to.

After about two to three hours of shopping we both left with multiple bags. Even though we went into a lot of stores we did manage to keep a low profile. The staff in the stores we went to knew better than to post that the most popular man in South Korea was in there. Ji said on the way back to the car, "it is unspoken that they'll wait a day or two after a celebrity goes in to say we shopped there. That way they get publicity, and we get privacy." "Well, that is a nice system." The two of us found a small restaurant for dinner near the hotel. It was so tiny it gave off k-drama vibes. "I had a great day today, Ji. Thank you for showing a girl a good time." Feeding me a piece of barbeque he replies, "you're welcome. What should we do tomorrow?" "Whatever you want to do. This is also your getaway." "Let's look at the options when we get back to the room." Nodding in acknowledgement of the plan as I ate more beef. "This is delicious! I'm full but can't stop eating." Ji chuckled. Taking a sip of soju an idea came to mind of what we could do tomorrow. My eyes must have gotten wide because Ji Yong asked, "what is on your pretty mind?" "I just thought of somewhere to go tomorrow." "Where?" "It is a little childish, but I think that is what could be entertaining about it." Giving me a look to continue I suggest, "What about the aquarium?" "That sounds fun, I'm in." Tiny clapping in excitement, "yay, I don't think it will take us long to go through it so once we are done, we can go to wherever you want." "All I want is for you to have a good time, but I'll think of some places."

Exiting the bathroom after a nice hot shower I curl up next to Ji on the couch. "Have you decided what we should do after the aquarium tomorrow?" I asked. "As a matter of fact, yes, I think just a nice walk along Dalmajigal Road sounds nice." Kissing his cheek I reply, "Me too, I knew you'd pick the best thing to do. What time is our flight scheduled to take us back to Seoul tomorrow?" "It isn't." "What do you mean it isn't?" "They are on standby; I just have to contact letting them know when we want to leave." "Oh, neat. Why don't you tell them 6:00? I think that will give us plenty of time to enjoy the day, make the hour trip to the airport and still get back to Seoul at a reasonable hour." "Sounds good to me beautiful." We watched tv together in blissful silence. In these quiet moments I felt completely at peace. I fell asleep resting against Ji's strong chest listening to his rhythmic breathing.

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