Chapter 5: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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Sometime in the middle of the night while asleep on my back my breathing got heavier. Fluttering my eyes open I see sitting on my chest staring at me was Iye. I smiled at my little friend who was currently kneading me like I was a loaf of Italian bread. I scratch his neck as he nuzzles closer into mine. Iye and I finally found comfortable sleeping positions where I could breathe with him on me. By the time I woke up at 8:30 Iye and Ji Yong were out of bed. After finishing in the bathroom, I began to wander around the apartment looking for my boys. Ji Yong was sitting on the couch looking at something on his phone with his back to me. Silently I walk up to the couch, lean forward to put my arms around him hugging him from behind and kiss his cheek. "Good morning handsome. You're up early." "Ah good morning jagiya. I've only been up for about 20 minutes. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you." "Aren't you sweet. Have you eaten yet? I can whip us up a quick breakfast." "No need I ordered breakfast pastries to be delivered. They should be here momentarily." On cue the buzzer rang, and it was security with the delivery. As we ate my phone rang in the other room; it was Jina. "Hi Jina!" "I'm good and yourself?" "I'm up for anything today" "Ok, I will meet you at Hongik University Station at 12. Which exit?" "Alright I'll see you then. Bye!"

Returning to the living room I resume eating my croissant. "So, did you and Jina decide what you are doing today?" Ji Yong asked. "Yes, we are going shopping in Hongdae to begin with then we will see where the day takes us before we meet up with Rachel. What are you going to do today?" "I am planning on going to the art studio. Would you like me to take you to Hongdae?" "No thank you, it's out of your way and it's just as easy for me to take the train since I'm meeting her inside the station. It is nice that I only have to change trains once; makes for stress free travel." After relaxing on the couch together for a bit more than an hour I begin get up. "Time for me to get going I need to leave by 11:15 to get to her on time." As I am putting my make up on after my shower, I received a text alert.

Jina 10:30 AM _ Would you mind if I filmed our day?

Y/N 10:31 AM _ No not at all! That sounds fun!

Jina 10:31 AM _ Great! Can't wait to see you.

Y/N 10:32 AM _ 😊

Dressed in my black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and black vans carrying my grey peacoat I head into the living room where Ji Yong was still on the couch. "I'm heading out. I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll text you. Have a good day handsome." I lean over and give him a kiss goodbye. "Bye, jagiya. Enjoy your day with your friend. Be safe and have fun. Let me know if you would like me to pick you up later." I laugh and say. "Okay dad." Giving him one more kiss I leave and walk to the train station, Seoul Forest. Even though I had to wait a few minutes for the train at the connecting station, Wangsimni, I still got to Hongik at 12:05. Waiting by the ticket machine I spot Jina walking. Calling out her name to get her attention; she picked up her pace and gave me a quick hug when she got to me. "Y/n! It is so amazing that you are here. It has been so long." "It really has been. I'm just so happy I get to see you. Come on let's go up to street level." Exiting the station, we just chose a random street to walk down first. It was like we had just saw each other we picked up right where we left off. Catching up with how our lives have been since we last saw one another. I left out the most recent update. I do not need to broadcast that I am currently, though temporarily, living with the most famous man in Korea. Jina would periodically take out her camera and film us being silly as we went in and out of stores for her vlog. Like a scene from a 1990's American teen movie we were giving a mini fashion show while trying on clothes. Jina was filming the reveals. It was decided that we did not want to drag around bags all day, so we did not buy a lot.

After a good four-hour shopping session, we walked to a café to get something to drink and small to eat. Sitting at a table in the corner Jina asked if we could film a proper video for her channel. I said absolutely and we then talked about what we should film. I suggested what about a compare video, my country to Korea. Loving the idea, we begin to think of topics to compare. After eating she took out her camera and said her intro "Hey everyone it's your Korean girl Jina Kim." Turning the camera to me I say, "and I'm your nationality girl Y/n!" Jina explained who I was and that we were doing a compare video Korea vs country. We filmed for almost an hour and a half; she got a lot of good material. "That was a lot of fun. Not enough for me to make my own channel but fun. I don't envy you though for having to edit all of that."

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