⁹⁸: party / moonbae

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it hadn't been long since everybody arrived at sangyeon's house. the boys decided to sit down in the living room after they arrived to wait for the arrival of the rest. however, after they were complete, the atmosphere was pretty tense. no one dared to break the ice.

kevin and jacob made their way to the meet up together, since both of them got lost pretty quickly and none of them knew the area sangyeon lived in. but when they entered, their ways parted because jacob rushed over to greet changmin and haknyeon, leaving kevin alone with no one to talk to.

however he was glad he wasn't the only one. when looking through the room only a few actually talked to each other. the rest just sat there, letting time pass by in their own ways.

the awkward tension lingering in the air disappeared when haknyeon suddenly jumped up from the couch, startling changmin and sunwoo who were seated right next to him.

kevin peeked at the younger through his glass filled with an alcoholic beverage he thought had fancy packaging, as he wasn't experienced in drinking at all. this was the first time in forever he dared nearing himself towards alcohol, the previous time being years ago when he was still underage.

"since all of you decided to be boring, i have an idea," haknyeon said, walking to the middle of room to gain everyone's attention.

while most boys were rather quiet, probably unsure about their meet up, kevin was surprised how similar haknyeon was to his energetic texting style. especially the fact that he initiated ideas was present in person as well.

not to mention that this was indeed weirdly embarrassing, even though no one did anything except for helping themselves with the alcohol sangyeon provided, not holding back at all and either looking everywhere but at each other or staring at their phones. there were a few exceptions, small conversations emerging from the boys who met each other before.

when he said not holding back on the alcohol, he really meant it. kevin recalled eric's multiple failed attempts on trying to get ahold of at least one bottle, with jacob doing everything to prevent him from doing so. also, he was quite sure sangyeon was on to his fifth shot while it hasn't even been half an hour since everyone arrived. the oldest was already rubbing his temples in distress.

needless to say, almost everybody was already somewhat tipsy. the boy's gazes fell onto haknyeon who clapped his hands together. "how about party games?" he asked with a sheepish smile on his face, unsure about how the others would react.

"oh god no," chanhee whispered from next to kevin, hiding his face and whining. kevin elbowed him slighty, uncertain about how close he should act with not really a complete stranger, but someone he had never met before. "don't be like that." chanhee only gave kevin a displeased look, before turning away. "great way to make it awkward," kevin said under his breath.

due to his short exchange with chanhee, kevin didn't understand the topic they were discussing about, but he caught up quickly when he noticed juyeon and eric bickering about various game ideas. "you're just jealous of my creativity," juyeon huffed, crossing his arms and turning away from the younger

"come on, never have i ever isn't the most innovative idea, idiot." eric leaned back against the couch he was seated on. juyeon turned back around to face him. "but we could have exposed each other!" he pointed to sangyeon, "we could've found out about what he keeps in his basement!"

while what juyeon said was definitely drawing his interest, kevin tried to think of something better. it was irking him how pretty much no one tried to contribute to the conversation, however he himself wasn't comfortable in speaking up, either. but for the sake of improving the atmosphere, kevin gave his best.

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