¹⁰¹: party / bbangnyukyu

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when younghoon finally sat back onto the couch, he was immediately greeted by haknyeon and hyunjoon making fun of changmin next to him. "you drank three cups, don't be dramatic," hyunjoon said, as he chugged down his own drink.

changmin pulled his legs towards his chest. "three too many," he whined, burying his face into his knees. haknyeon just laughed. the boy himself did not drink that night, to 'stay safe', meanwhile he laughed into everyone's faces whenever they did something weird or embarrassing.

"have any of you seen hyunjae or sangyeon?" younghoon asked. "oh, we don't even want to try to bother," hyunjoon said before he pulled out his phone and walked away to check his messages.

haknyeon's head peaked up. "do you think i can annoy them?" he asked, but before younghoon could build up enough energy despite being drained because of their small party and put any efforts into stopping the boy from disturbing two grown adults, the younger trailed off already.

now there were only him and changmin left sitting on the couch. "are you alright?" changmin still didn't look up, whining quietly. "no." carefully, younghoon put his hand on changmin's neck. his skin was very warm, yet he was unsure if the cause was the heat from the stuffy room or because he felt sick.

instinctivly, younghoon gently grabbed changmin's body and leaned it gainst his own. "how about you rest a bit?" he softly suggested, putting his arm around the younger. "i have a feeling this night is coming to an end soon."

changmin only hummed in response, eyes closed already. after making sure the younger was comfortable and his neck wasn't stiff, younghoon gazed over the room.

no sign of jacob or hyunjoon. haknyeon and sunwoo were talking while exiting the living room, headed towards the kitchen. kevin was sprawled across one of the sofas, probably black out drunk, considering the amount of liquor he drank this night.

younghoon couldn't help but wonder where juyeon or eric went, but it was best not to stick his nose into other people's businesses.

and there was chanhee, at the entrance of the room, trying to walk past sunwoo and haknyeon who blocked the way, a bag of gummy bears in his hand. the boy looked around the room, in search of someone to go and talk to. once he took notice of younghoon, he decided to head over to sit down on the sofa as well.

"where is everyone?" chanhee asked. his voice was clear, because after kevin passed out, hyunjoon immediately took advantage of that and turned the music off, saying something about kevin having a terrible taste.

younghoon shrugged in response, careful not to move too much because of the sleeping boy on his left shoulder. while chanhee opened up the pack of gummy bears, he decided to spark a conversation. "how are you feeling? i'm quite exhausted, if i'm honest."

the older had to agree, "it was fun, but i'm glad everyone sprawled out." as chanhee listened to the older talk some more about his thoughts on their get-together, he munched on the jellies. he offered younghoon some of the jellies as well, which he kindly declined.

younghoon felt slight movement from the weak body next to him. "you should eat some," changmin slurred, his cheeck squished against younghoon's body. "you smell like cigarettes."

chanhee locked eyes with younghoon in surprise, to which the older sighed. "only occasionally." the boy did smoke sometimes, however only when he felt anxious or stressed out about certain situations. especially when his social battery got drained, like today. "sorry," he muttered out, before reaching for the pack of sweets.

curiously, chanhee peeked at the youngest. "what's up with him?" he asked younghoon, who then explained something along the lines of low alcohol tolerance, earning a quiet complaint from the boy.

"i didn't drink much either, but sangyeon has some strong ass liquor," chanhee groaned and put down the now almost empty bag of gummy bears.

younghoon took it as a perfect opportunity to redirect the younger's body towards his own as well, just like changmin's, which startled the other. "ah, what are you doing?" jerking away in surprise, chanhee threw his arms around his body.

"you can rest as well, if you want," younghoon offered. however chanhee frowned at those words. "i value personal space." younghoon got impatient and tilted his head. "stop being a brat and come here."

it felt way too reluctant, but chanhee did as he was told and leaned against younghoon's shoulder as well. the oldest now had both his arms around each boy. rubbing circles onto changmin's back with the left one and playing with chanhee's hair with his right one.

the boy felt an odd heat radiating from each side, yet he wasn't certain if it was caused by their warm body temperature or by something he didn't quite want to admit to yet.

it shouldn't be taken for granted, the luck younghoon felt in that exact moment, when two people he felt like he had an unexplainable connection with were right next to him, so close.

as he noticed both boys had their eyes closed, younghoon couldn't help but to just question. knowing, well not exactly knowing but assuming, chanhee's and changmin's stances towards each other, it wasn't easy to figure things out.

not to mention younghoon didn't have a clear mind about their entire relationship, either. it was built on confusion and confusion only. was it platonic? romantic? maybe even something completely different? he simply didn't know and was even a bit afraid, if he dared to say so, to explore his inner feelings.

one thing was for sure, though. there would be no progress, unless younghoon figured out where the problem lied and what the problem even was in the first place.

ji changmin was the absolute sweetest, evident through his actions alone. the way he sometimes even unintentionally looked after younghoon with so much care warmed his heart. soft-spoken and radiating with honesty and kindness.

in contrast you had choi chanhee. he might come off as cold, having the same aura as winter, however that was what pulled younghoon in like a charm. it was quite interesting to witness the way chanhee slowly opened up and the way their bond progressed steadily. the best way to explain it was like reading a captivating book.

and one single question brought so much agitation into younghoon's mind which he hated facing, yet he knew he couldn't find a way around, considering the unspoken dislike between the two boys tightly next to his sides:

who would his choice be?


its like almost 9 am and i just cant fall asleep i think (havent tried :D) but my eyes are super tired what do i DO

anyways i finally finished the written chapters, call me productive <3 i realized i can only write thousand words when sleep deprived so uhm

not only have i finished the written chapters, but i also caught up with most of my homework AND i also finished cleaning most of my room (?!?!?!) after my english teacher sent me an email to ask me if my mental health was okay lmao bye 😭

what types of fanfics do yall enjoy reading?

i personally like poly shit with lots of ANGST :D

okay i think ill head to sleep now, love you ♡

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