⁹⁹: party / sangjae

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hyunjae was able to taste sangyeon's lips and the fruity taste of the rosé wine he drank beforehand, after the tension during their dare got unbearable.

the older let his hands roam freely underneath hyunjae's shirt, as he deepened the kiss even more. hyunjae let out a gasp, when his cold hands touched his bare skin.

softly, the boy pulled on sangyeon's hair, as he felt his stomach twisting into a knot. sangyeon's hands travelled down his body even further, stopping at his legs so he could lift the other up and push him against the wall fiercely.

their bodies growing even closer enabled hyunjae's senses again. sangyeon's strong scent, smelling like the depths of the oceans, mixing with his own cloud-like perfume created such a surreal aura for the two of them.

hyunjae crossed his legs behind sangyeon's figure, despite the strong arms wrapped around his lower body, as he waited for sangyeon to carry him over to the bed, right on top of the neat silk sheets, which were ready to get wrinkles all over them.

he placed one knee between hyunjae's legs and pinned him down with his hands next to hyunjae's head. all hyunjae could respond with was by pulling him closer by his shoulders, needy for more, craving more than just the feeling of their skin touching.

"go on," hyunjae breathed out, impatience growing inside of him as thoughts of sangyeon's next possible actions invaded his mind, curiosity building up more and more.

the response he got was more than he could ever ask for. sangyeon tilted hyunjae's head to the side, now resting on only one elbow. his lips teasingly hovered just slightly above the sensitive area of his neck, the heat of their session present all over hyunjae's body.

the younger let out a moan in dissatisfaction, wanting more, reaching out further than the stars. "please," hyunjae begged, closing his eyes shut, before sangyeon let out a husky chuckle, muffled by his lips pressing against hyunjae's neck.

sangyeon felt the skin between his lips, as he sucked and bit on it delicately, creating pinkish spots like he was painting a blank canvas. he felt hyunjae hum and shiver underneath him with every single hickey he created on the younger.

the ticklish feeling spread further than just his neck, reaching the ends of his limbs, leaving hyunjae in a state of euphoria.

he found his way down to the collar bones and his actions slowly came to a halt when most parts of hyunjae's skin were bruised.

lips agape and hitched breath, hyunjae faced sangyeon as he tried to stablelize his breathing, his body still shaking. with his lids closed halfway and furrowed eyebrows, he stared right into sangyeon's eyes. a lustful spark was all that lit them up, despite the night inside his dark brown eyes.

hyunjae almost choked on his spit, because of his stomach flinching due to the pleasure. the boy was still on his high, with not a single way to come down anytime soon. "more, please."

he unbuttoned the older's shirt, who was busy lifting hyunjae's sweater up. the same hot air hit both of their exposed upper bodies, but that wasnt enough for hyunjae.

he grabbed the end of sangyeon's belt with his sweaty palm and pulled it off in the blink of an eye, despite losing grip due to the excitement, causing sangyeon to widen his eyes for a short second, impressed. so he didn't take the sign for granted and helped the younger take off his own jeans. 

he then continued placing soft kisses all over his upper body, starting from his chest, trailing down across his abs and even further down until his v-line. meanwhile the noises escaping hyunjae's throat filled the stuffy room.

seductively, the older bit the hem of hyunjae's briefs, earning a moan from the other. "is this okay?" sangyeon asked through gritted teeth.

"god, yes." hyunjae exclaimed, blood rushing to all the places it shouldn't, as his need for sangyeon grew by each second passing.



god forgive me for my sins...

yall know how the story goes from there ;)


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