¹⁷⁶: serious talk / +

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squid squad

2 members are active

lap kitty
sangyeon i...

founding daddy
i know what happened

founding daddy
unlike you, i dont suffer from memory loss when drunk

lap kitty
i never thought id see you like THAT

lap kitty
how much did you drink??? you already drink a lot and seem sober, so how come?

founding daddy
others wouldve gotten alcohol poisoning, thats all i can say

founding daddy
and with the stress it added up

lap kitty
:// sangyeon you remember that i didnt want to hear you open up, right?

founding daddy
clear as water

founding daddy
im not blaming you for anything

founding daddy
it was my responsibility to prevent it

founding daddy
i cant undo the oversharing, so do with that information whatever you please

lap kitty
i dont want to do anything with that information, but how are you? is there any way i can help?

founding daddy
doubt it

lap kitty
you said something about bottling up your feelings

lap kitty
you should know that you can rely on me

lap kitty
so im here to listen, if you want to of course

lap kitty
how did everything with your parents go?

founding daddy
for someone who did not want to know youre asking a lot of questions surprisingly

lap kitty
im worried for you, thats all...

founding daddy
might as well tell you everything, now that you know

founding daddy
it went as i had expected

founding daddy
the exact same thing that happens every time

lap kitty
how bad is that?

founding daddy
them pressuring me increasingly until it ends up to us just screaming at each other

lap kitty
about what exactly?

founding daddy
oversimplified, they want me to take over more business and expand theirs even further, but then i would have to neglect my life here which i do not want under any circumstances

lap kitty
im sorry if this is very personal, but whats the reason for you to refuse the offer?

lap kitty
from what i understand, your parents offer would bring you much more success and also, it seems like they would do all the work for you anyways

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 ; the boyz ✓Where stories live. Discover now