Chapter 4: Experiment gone wrong

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The ground shook, causing me to lose my balance and fall over, I quickly got up and checked my surrounding to make sure nothing was broken. After everything looked ok I quickly looked out my window and saw a group of people standing in a circle hovering over  what looks to be someone laying on the ground. I ran out my dorm almost headbutting Uraraka who was right at my door about to knock to check on me. 

She looked very worried. "OMG Rose are you ok, what happened?!  I heard a huge explosion and quickly ran here to make sure your safe!" she said. "I'm not sure...I was caught off guard to, all I know is that there is a group of people outside the buildings front yard in a huge circle surrounding someone. I think someone must've gotten  injured from the explosion." I replied. "I'm gonna go check it out, you coming?" She asked. I said yes and we quickly headed downstairs. 

On our way down, we ran into a few other students in the staircase wondering what the hell also happened. One person really stood out to me, a girl who had long dark green hair and unnaturally large hands. What shocked me is when she leaped down two flights of stairs as if she was a frog. "Whos the girl with green hair?" I said while trying to catch up with Uraraka and the rest of the students. "Oh that's just Tsuyu Asui, if you didn't notice already, her quirk allows her to do anything a frog does, she's in our class." I nodded as i was trying to catch my breath. 

"Damnit, I'm really out of shape. , I should've brung my inhaler with me." We finally make it outside to the crowd and find who they were surrounding. A boy with yellow spiky hair and what looks like a black lightning bolt in his hair was laying unconscious on the ground. "Oh no... ill be back, I'm going to find a teacher and recovery girl." Uraraka yelled running off into the opposite direction.

I look over the crowd to see a building about 70 yards from where I am standing with a large hole in it, smoke seeping out. A girl emerged from the wreckage. She quickly ran over and turned around to see the damage done. She gasped in horror at the sight. "Oh shit, Mr. Aizawa is not gonna be happy about this!" she cried. She turns back around finally noticing the huge crowd behind her. She walks over and sees the unconscious boy. "OMG Denki I'm SOOO sorry are you ok??? speak to me! I told you upgrading your suit was a bad idea!!!" she said shaking him vigorously.

 Another much taller guy with dark blue hair and glasses emerges from the crowd and starts scolding her. "Mei Hatsume! you have damage a great deal a precious school property!!! we are are gonna get in a lot of trouble because of your carelessness, and a student has been  severely injured!" he said waving his arm back and forth. Ignoring the chaos around me, I knelt down and noticed blood coming from the direction of his head. "Oh no" one boy cried out, "his head is bleeding!" I quickly lifted the boys head and notice a huge gashed along the back of his skull. "Damn" I thought to myself. "At this rate with no medical help, he'll be dead in a few minutes, I got to heal him fast."

I closed my eyes and held is head protectively as I hummed. Humming made me focus easier on the wound without any distraction making the healing process much more faster and efficient. But using my quirk too much can make me tired.  After about 5 seconds, his wound started to vanish along with the blood until the wound completely disappeared. The boy opened his eyes as everyone around stared in awe. The awkward moment didn't last long when everyone started cheering as a few guys and girls helped him up and hugged him, asking him if he was alright. I steadily stood up as another student helped me balance myself. I looked to see who it was,. It the frog girl Uraraka told me about.  

*Ribbit*  "What you did for Denki was awesome, thanks for saving him." *Ribbit* she said hugging me. "Of course, I saw a student in need so I did what I did best." I said hugging her back. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and quickly turned seeing three other guys and one girl whos skin was pink. "Hi you must be the new girl, we also wanted to thank you for saving our friend Denki, without you he could've been dead by now." The girl said. 

"Oh Yeah sure of course..." I laughed nervously. I looked the four students up and down, checking them out. One of the boys had green hair and to be honest he was very cute. The second boy had red spiky hair and looked pretty buff. The third guy was very short and was built like a literal 11 year old child. He was eyeing me very perversely and it started making me uncomfortable. 

The girl punched him on the head scolding him from being a creep and introduced herself following with the others. "Hi my name is Mina Ashido, and this is Kirishima, Midoriya and...Mineta....." she said disgusted, pointing to the purple headed boy. "And what's your name new girl?"

 I introduced myself when I looked over Mina shoulder noticing Uraraka heading back over to us with both recovery girl and Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa looked pissed, and recovery girl looked very worried. I should tell them that the Denki boy was ok but I don't want to get in the middle of Aizawa crossfire with the other students. Mina, Kirishima, Mineta, Midoriya, and I watch as Mr. Aizawa scold the Mei girl for the explosion. It did not look pleasant at all, she looked scared for her life. Before Aizawa could finish talking to Mei, Recovery girl interrupts him with a very disoriented Denki right next to her. I guess the blast still has him a little confused in the head.

 They were talking about something but I couldn't make it out, I was trying to listen in on the conversation as best as I could when I heard a faint whisper in my ear. it was so weird like someone was in my head, whispering "Rose....Rose help me...." I jumped startled thinking someone was right behind me, but no one was there. I shook it off. Its got be my imagination and the excitement of today getting to me. I snuck past the crowd and the other students, heading back to my dorm alone. After I finished unpacking for a good 2 hours and settling in my new room, I blasted black pink while plastering a poster of Allmight on my wall. I heard a knock on my door and welcomed whoever it was in. I turn to see Uraraka sitting on my bed saying something I couldn't make out. "Huh? I cant hear you, my music is too loud." I Yelled. She rolled her eyes smirking, she walked over to turn my music down. "Rose I was asking if you wanted to come to tonight's bonfire with the rest of class 1A, I know you met some classmates already but everyone else wants to meet you tonight especially Denki." 

I waited a moment to respond. I battled with myself if I should go or not, I'm not very good with making friends, I'm surprised i even was able to talk to Uraraka and the others I already met on the front yard today. But my mom always said I need to get out more and meet new people. "Ok I'm coming just give me your number and txt me where it will be and ill be there, just let me finish putting my dorm room together and find a outfit. she smiled and gave me a quick hug, she scribbled her number into my phone and ran out my dorm , "see you  later Rose!"

"Wow, she was that excited that I said yes???" After struggling for 2 more minute of trying to out the poster up, it stayed. Good thing I got that gorilla tape my mom showed me, that other tape was shit, wouldn't stick to nothing. I looked at my phone and read the message I got from Uraraka. "9pm, ok  I got 3 hours let me take a quick 2 hour nap then ill get ready. I lay on the surprisingly soft bed and close my eyes.  for some reason I couldn't sleep though, I noticed  my room suddenly felt colder then usual. I went under my blankets thinking it would warm me up but it wasn't working. "what the hell is going on, I cant even take a  damn nap." I tried to get comfortable again but it wasn't working either. "Fuck... forget it." I said. I stand up to  turn on my lights, but they wouldn't turn on..... My heart drops as I heard someone or something whisper in my ear the words" Death is near...."

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