Chapter 21: Cat and mouse

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Students rush into the lobby.I try to squeeze past the hoard of students as Melissa and her father try to calm everyone down. Present mic hollers using his quirk to get everyone to quiet down as David shield spoke." I just gotten news of what happened on the beach today. For now the beach will be shut down to the public for investigation and it will be offlimits. 

I am sorry for any casualties that were caused during this trip and i have decided i will pay for any damages and for anyone who was sent to the hospital. I formally apologize, this was my treat and i brought you guys here so i will take full responsiblity. For now i would like all studetns to stay in there hotel rooms until we are given the ok by the police." Alot of students sigh  frustrated, everyone is canceling there plans they had for the rest of the day. I decided myself that i would tell my mother on the phone and head up to my room on the 52nd floor. I dial her number and my mother picks up.

"Hey mom....i needa tell you somethiing and your not gonna like it..."

"What do you mean..." She asked.

"So about the convention trip-"

"If this is about the attack on Tokoba beach....then yes i already know, i am currently watching it on the news as we speak..."

"It already on the news!?" 

"Yes it is... look Rose, I just got back home after visiting your school and i was goin to tell you when you got back to the dorms but i might as well tell you now....I am going to-" Right before my mother could finish what she is saying, my phone and everything esle in my rooms shuts off. Including the alram clocks, tv, lights, you name it.

 Just when i thought my day couldnt get weirder. I try the light switch  but it doesnt work. I get a alert on my phone with the captions "STAY IN YOUR ROOMS,THERE BEEN A SECURITY BREACH IN THE SYSTEM AND THE BUILDING AND HOTEL SECURITY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED. SEVERAL VILLAINS HAVE BEEN SPOTTED IN THE LOBBY. THE SWAT IS ON THERE WAY."

"You have got to be joking, it hasnt even been in hour since the beach attack and were  already being attacked again!"

As i lock my door, my phone starts blowing up with notifications from several students. I read a message from Mina saying "Rose stay were you are, me and Denki are heading up to check on  you!"

Below that message is one from Tokoyami saying "Be careful, several villains were seen in the lobby asking for your room!"

I grab my tazer as i hear a knock at the door. I open it assuming its Mina and Denki but instead im face to face with Momo. She grabs my hand and tells me we gotta take the back staircase. I ask her whats going on and she tells me that abunch of villains are heading up to capture me and that we gotta take the stairs since they're taking the elevator.

 I thought that was weird. if the power has been shut off doesnt that mean the elevator has stopped working. She doesnt say anything and looks out to make sure we are clear to head down. It registers to me  that Mina and Denki are still on there way to see me.  Do they know that Momo has me. I ask her this and she tells me that she told them to get to safety since she was already closer to my room. 

I dont argue with her as we run down flights of stairs. Shes acting a little funny. After 5nminutes we make it to the ground floor. She peeps around and says it all clear as we head into the main lobby. Its dark as hell and i cant see 5 feet in front of me. "Momo i cant see can you create a flashlight?"

"Its fine, thats what that guys for." pointing behind me. I look at her confuse as a spark of light uliminates and reveals several men surrounding us. Some familiar from the attack earlier on the beach. I back up bumping into Momo as i yell for her to get ready to fight. Instead she pushes me forward and starts laughing like a maniac. 

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