A New Star

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We are in glee when Mr. Shue is passing out music sheets when Rachel, like always, has something to say.

RACHEL: Excuse me, this isn't the right key. 

Mr. Shue: No. It's actually the right key.

RACHEL: No, no, this is the alto part.

Mr. Shue: Yep. Tina's doing the solo.

RACHEL: I'm sorry, there must be some sort of mix up. I thought I made it very clear that anything from "West Side Story" goes to me. Maria is my part! Natalie Wood was a Jew, you know. I've had a very deep, personal connection to this role since the age of one.

Mr. Shue: Well, I'm trying to shake things up a bit. Get us out of our boxes.

RACHEL: You're trying to punish me.

Mr Shue : I think you're being irrational.

RACHEL: I think you're being unfair!

Mr. Shue: I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might have been happy about getting her first solo.

RACHEL: Tina knows how much I respect her and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria.

Sabrina: This isn't about you! You had your chance during Don't Stop Believing, Need I remind you how you stole my Duet during "You're the one that I want!" You interrupted Artie's solo, though the song was stupid it was his choice whether he was uncomfortable or not! Mercedes and Kurt haven't gotten them yet!  You're not acting professional! If this is how you are going to act then get out! We don't need you!

[RACHEL emotionally storms out of the room.]

ARTIE: The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has.

Mr.Shue: Congratulations, Tina. This is going well.

Tina, Kurt, Mercedes, and Artie walk or roll up to me.

Tina: H-hey Sabrina I-I wanted to th-thank you for staying up for m-me. F-for u-us.

Sabrina: You all have some promise.

Later that day Finn and Quinn were talking with Sabrina around the corner spying on them since Quinn has been acting weird all day.

FINN: Quinn! Quinn. Hey, what's with the silent treatment? Whatever I did, I'm sorry.

QUINN stops at a corridor and FINN catches up with her.

QUINN: I'm pregnant. I wasn't sure, and I really didn't want to go by myself, and I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner!

FINN: Mine?

QUINN: Yes, you. Who else's would it be?

FINN: But we...we never...

QUINN: Last month. Hot tub.

FINN: But we were wearing our swimsuits!

QUINN: Ask Jeeves said a hot tub is a perfect temperature for sperm. It, it helps it swim faster.

FINN: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Are – are you gonna get a...?

QUINN: [crying] No. I really thought I had a shot at getting out of here! No.

QUINN cries on FINN's shoulder. 

The bell rings

Finn: I have to get to class we'll get through this ok

Quinn nods as Finn walks away.Sabrina comes up to her blond Cheerio friend with sad eyes 

Sabrina: Quinn 

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