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Thank you for your patience. I know this chapter took longer than usual to come out but I'm glad how it turned out. I got stuck in a bit of an episode for a week or so but I'm getting better and I'm back to writing. I have big plans for this story so I hope you stay and enjoy!


In the Icy cave of Hoth, light peaks through the holes in the ceiling. The sun has risen, and the blizzard has passed.

The whole night Mando stayed awake, keeping watch in case the quarry was to wake. He can last several days without sleeping. Mando knew very little about the Jedi and their powers, so who knew if Mars could control how long he was out for.

As he sits with his back against the icy wall, slightly slumped from hours of staying in the same place. With his legs spread out in front of him, the muscles on his back aches. Not only from the sleeping, powerful Jedi laying atop him; but the heavy beskar armor, which it carries.

Before Mars, he was able to take off his armor and let his shoulders take a break. Even when the kid was around, he would just put him in his metal pod to nap or sleep. Sometimes he would just leave him in the cockpit. But now, he had guests and very little privacy.

Sure, she spent most of her time in her own ship, but she likes to socialize. Mainly the kid, but to him too.

As he shifts slightly to relieve some of the pressure on his tailbone, Mars begins to stir. Her arms are wrapped around his torso as she squeezes, hugging him, something she would never do if she was awake. Mando freezes.

The kid hugs him sometimes, but for someone his age and taller than one foot, the physical contact is appreciated, albeit foreign.

Mando looks down. The same woman who took down a Wampa, a beast several times her height and strength, was huddled up with her cheeks squished against his chest. She was incredibly intimidating to him yet comforting. If it were up to him, he would let her sleep more, but they had a job to do.

Mando carefully thought out the way he went around waking her up. Mars was a Jedi, a warrior. She would be someone who wakes easily; he would know. He was someone who can't be a heavy sleeper. For him to simply shake her awake opens up the possibility of her igniting her weapon with one swift movement and killing him.

Slowly, he raises his hand closest to her and gently nudges, well more like rubs, her back. "Hey," he says, "The blizzard has passed, and it's warmer since the sun is up now."

Mars sighs and opens her eyes. As she takes in her surroundings, she quickly removes her hands from around him and sits herself up next to him. Something deep inside him wishes that Mars stayed there. She looks up at him. "Had I been doing that the whole night?"

Mando turns his visor to look at her. "Yes." Though she had moved off from him, it allowed Mando to move after several hours of sitting in the cold. He moves his arm from around her and slowly gets up with several grunts and cracks, making Mars wince in sympathy.

Mars stands up as well and wrinkles her nose in response to the sudden waft of rotting, burnt flesh sitting no more than four yards away from their set up. "You're lucky your helmet blocks off smells," she says, plugging her nose.

Mando nods in agreement with his back towards Mars, packing up the various items thrown out of his bag by Grogu during his energy spree. "We should probably wake him up huh?" she says, gesturing towards the reptile on the ground.

Mando turns and sighs. It'd be much easier if the bounty could just fit inside the kid's pod, and they could carry the guy around that way, not having to deal with him being awake. "Yeah...the sooner we're off this planet, the better."

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